Benjamin Franklin


From the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History website:

"In this lecture, Walter Isaacson, author of Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, traces Franklin's career from his early days as an apprentice in his brother's Boston print shop to his involvement, at the age of eighty-four, with the Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery. Franklin was an autodidact, self-taught in every field he entered, but the virtue that he most embodied, Isaacson argues, was tolerance. The ultimate self-made man, Franklin's life remains essentially American."

The Real Treason of Aaron Burr


From the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History website:

"In 1807, Aaron Burr was tried and acquitted on charges of treason for his 'adventures' in the American West, but he had fallen out of favor in American life long before, after he had run for president against Thomas Jefferson, served a single term as vice president, and shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in an 1804 duel. A free spender, a womanizer, and the only Founding Father who was actually descended from the English aristocracy, Burr was famously secretive and conspiratorial, leaving little archival record of his dealings. In this lecture, historian Gordon Wood argues that Burr's true treason was not his actions in the West but his naked ambition, his lack of principals and character that made him a threat to the young republic."

Redeeming Martin Van Buren


From the Gilder Lehrman Institute website:

"Martin Van Buren, son of a tavern keeper, architect of the Democratic Party, the first U.S. president to be born after the founding of the United States, and the only president for whom English was a second language (he grew up speaking Dutch), is widely regarded as a failed president, but Ted Widmer, author of Martin Van Buren argues that the 'little magician' was in fact a critical force in early American politics. Van Buren was a political prodigy who turned politics from a solemn rite to a form of entertainment, organizing all-day rallies complete with alcohol and obliging women. Van Buren, Widmer says, essentially created America’s strong two-party system, and should not be consigned to the dustbin of U.S. presidential history."

Anti-Slavery in the Revolutionary Era


From the Gilder Lehrman website:

"Columbia University professor Christopher Brown examines the rise of anti-slavery thought during the Revolutionary Era. Focusing on the often contrasting motivations behind the anti-slavery rhetoric of the British and the Americans, Brown pointedly illustrates how the anti-slavery movement was a global phenomenon that emerged from a wide variety of ideologies."

Anti-Slavery Literature


From the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American history website:

"Institute President James G. Basker examines early strains of abolitionism in eighteenth century literature. From John Newton, the slave trader-turned-minister who wrote the anti-slavery hymn 'Amazing Grace,' to black poets Jupiter Hammon and Phillis Wheatley, Basker argues that slavery was very much on the minds of eighteenth century writers and readers."

Liberty or Death


Colonial Williamsburg interpreter Richard Schumann describes Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech of 1775, including its impact, the religious and legal influences it reveals, and the debate over how much of the speech as it has been recorded is historically accurate. The interview is accompanied by an image slideshow.

To listen to this podcast, select "All 2008 podcasts," and scroll to the March 24th program.

Swetland Homestead [PA]


The 1803 Swetland Homestead contains rooms furnished in period styles ranging from those of the early 1800s to the 1860s. The wide range of stylistic interpretation showcases the changes in domestic life and Wyoming, PA's industrialization, which occurred during this window of time.

The site offers period rooms. Tours are available to groups, including school groups, with advance notice.

Fort Boonesborough State Park [KY]


Fort Boonesborough was originally built in 1775 by Daniel Boone and his men to serve as a frontier outpost along the Kentucky River. Today, the fort has been completely reconstructed and functions as a living history museum, giving modern-day visitors a sense of what life was like for pioneers in Kentucky. In addition to the reconstructed fort, the park contains the Kentucky River Museum, which provides visitors with "insight into the lives of families who lived on the river and worked the locks and dams in the 1900s."

The park offers exhibits, tours for school groups, living history demonstrations, special school days throughout the year, and other educational and recreational events. The website offers visitor information, a photo gallery featuring 13 photographs of the park, and an events calendar.

Old Mulkey State Historic Site [KY]


The Old Mulkey Meetinghouse, originally known as Mill Creek Baptist Church, was built in 1804 during a period of religious revival and is the second oldest log meetinghouse in the state of Kentucky. The meetinghouse was an important site during the "Great Awakening," and many people traveled for hours or even days to see popular dissenting preachers such as the builder of the meetinghouse, John Mulkey. In addition, many revolutionary war soldiers and pioneers, including Daniel Boone's sister, Hannah, were buried here.

The site offers a photo gallery containing six photographs, visitor information, and brief historical information about the church. To contact the park via email, use the "contact us" link located on the bottom of the webpage.