Hampson Archaeological Museum State Park [AR]


The James K. Hampson Collection presents an amazing look at the decorative arts of the late Mississippian people from the Nodena Site. Notable pieces include a large collection of the famed "Nodena Red and White" pottery, Nodena type site points, and a variety of effigy vessels, including a remarkable human head effigy.

The site offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events.

Parkin Archaeological State Park [AR]


The Park preserves and interprets the Parkin site on the St. Francis River where a 17-acre Mississippi Period American Indian village was located from A.D. 1000 to 1550. A large platform mound on the river bank remains. There were once many archaeological sites similar to Parkin throughout this region, but they did not survive as eastern Arkansas was settled. Visitors can watch research in progress, and see firsthand the results of careful excavations and laboratory analysis. Along with including an archaeological research laboratory, the park visitor center includes an interpretive exhibit area and auditorium. The park interpretive staff offers audiovisual programs, site tours, workshops, and other educational programs and special events and activities. When archaeological excavations are underway, visitors on guided tours can observe them. Visitors experiencing Parkin Archeological State Park can also tour the circa 1910 Northern Ohio Schoolhouse. By the beginning of World War II, there were 15 one-room and two-room schoolhouses providing education for children in Parkin, a town of less than 2,000 citizens. Today, the Northern Ohio School is the only one of these early Parkin structures still standing. The stories it tells of what took place here in the early 20th century in and around the Sawdust Hill community are parts of the historic fabric of Parkin, just as is the park’s interpretation of the prehistoric village of Casqui.

The site offers exhibits, tours, workshops, and educational and recreational programs and events.

Mastodon State Historic Site [MO]


Mastodon State Historic Site contains an important archaeological and paleontological site—the Kimmswick Bone Bed. Bones of mastodons and other now-extinct animals were first found here in the early 1800s. The area gained fame as one of the most extensive Pleistocene Ice Age deposits in the country and attracted scientific interest worldwide. Today, the 425-acre property preserves this National Register of Historic Places site and provides recreational opportunities. A museum tells the natural and cultural story of the oldest American Indian site one can visit in the state's park system. A full-size replica of a mastodon skeleton highlights the exhibits. A picnic area, several trails, and a special-use camping area offer chances to explore the land where the lives of Native Americans and mastodons once intertwined.

The site offers exhibits, a slideshow, tours, and educational programs.

Presidio of San Francisco [CA]


The Presidio of San Francisco has served as a barracks for 218 years, and has been occupied by three countries. Now, visitors can enjoy the stunning architecture of the Presidio, as well as see the historic airfields and national cemetery also located in the park. In addition to the impressive history and culture of the Presidio, the park also serves as a haven for endangered species and features beautiful and expansive views of the Golden Gate Bridge, the city of San Francisco, and Marin County.

The site offers historic information about the Presidio, visitor information, a photo-gallery containing 92 photographs of the Presidio and its surrounding grounds, and resources for educators, including an interactive field trip planner and educational online games for students.

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument [NM]


In 1907, President Teddy Roosevelt signed a proclamation recognizing the Gila Hot Springs Cliff Dwellings as being of "exceptional scientific and educational interest," and created the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument. "Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument offers a glimpse into the homes and lives of the Mogollon people who lived in this area over 700 years ago."

The site offers visitor information, including up to date information on park and road closures, brief historical information regarding the Cliff Dwelling National Monument, and an online bookstore. As with all National Park Service websites, in order to email the park, use the "contact us" link on the website.

Fort Bowie National Historic Site [AZ]


Fort Bowie commemorates the bitter conflict between Chiricahua Apaches and the U.S. military—a lasting monument to the bravery and endurance of U.S. soldiers in paving the way for settlement and the taming of the western frontier. It provides insight into a "clash of cultures," a young nation in pursuit of "manifest destiny," and the hunter-gatherer society fighting to preserve its existence.

The site offers exhibits and tours.

Wupatki National Monument [AZ]


Less than 800 years ago, Wupatki Pueblo was the largest pueblo around. It flourished for a time as a meeting place of different cultures. Yet this was one of the warmest and driest places on the Colorado Plateau, offering little obvious food, water, or comfort. How and why did people live here? The builders of Wupatki and nearby pueblos have moved on, but their legacy remains.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.

Nez Perce National Historical Park [Multiple] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:27

Since time immemorial, the Nimiipuu or Nez Perce have lived among the rivers, canyons, and prairies of the inland northwest. Despite the cataclysmic change of the past two centuries, the Nez Perce are still here. Visitors can explore the park's 38 sites—in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington&#8212and experience the story of a people who are still part of this landscape.

At its visitor center in Spalding, ID, the site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, demonstrations, and educational programs.

Montezuma Castle National Monument [AZ]


Visitors to the Monument can gaze through the windows of the past into one of the best preserved cliff dwellings in North America. This 20-room high-rise apartment, nestled into a towering limestone cliff, tells a 1,000-year-old story of ingenuity and survival in an unforgiving desert landscape. Marveling at this enduring legacy of the Sinagua culture reveals a people surprisingly similar to modern peoples today.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.

Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park


Along the western coastline of the Island of Hawai'i lies the hot, rugged lava of Kaloko-Honokohau. Some people find it difficult to understand why the ancient Hawaiians chose to settle upon these stark lava fields. The reason was, perhaps, a spiritual one, for there was a spirit in Kaloko-Honokohau. The Hawaiians who first came to the area felt its presence in every rock and tree, in the gentle waters of shallow bays, and in the tradewinds that gently swept across the lava flow. Visitors to the park can see the ancient heiau (temple) that stands at the end of the beach, as it did in times when Hawaiian settlements thrived in the area, and the 'Aiopi'o Fishtrap, where reef fish were captured for food.

The site offers exhibits and tours.