Industrial Supremacy


Donald L. Miller, with Stephen Ambrose, Virginia Scharff, Waldo E. Martin, Jr., Pauline Maier, Louis P. Masur, and Douglas Brinkley, examines U.S. history from 1875 to 1906. The presentation looks at the rise of industry, including Chicago's meatpacking industry; transportation developments to support industry; Andrew Carnegie and the steel business; the unsanitary and harsh conditions of work in many factories; and the development of the skyscraper.

America at the Centennial


Donald L. Miller, with Pauline Maier; Waldo E. Martin, Jr.; Virginia Scharff; Louis P. Masur; and Douglas Brinkley, discusses the social environment at the bicentennial of the United States, 1876. Using the 1876 World Exposition as a hub, the presentation examines issues including the situations of Native Americans, women, and African Americans following the Civil War; the emphasis on industrialism and progress; and the trend towards individualism and self-improvement.

Law Day 2009: Emancipation Proclamation


From the Library of Congress website:

"What effect did the Emancipation Proclamation have on the Civil War? Did it have a broader effect on the slave trade throughout the Americas? In celebration of Law Day, these questions and many more were discussed by Congressman G.K. Butterfield, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., Dean Kurt Schmoke and Professor Emeritus Roger Wilkins, with PBS Newshour's congressional correspondent Kwame Holman moderating."

Public and Private Photography During the Civil War


From the Lincoln Online Conference website:

"Like photography today, photography during the Civil War had many functions, from private to public. The session, led by Shannon Thomas Perich, will examine a variety of Civil War-related photography from the Photographic History Collection with the goal of gaining a greater understanding of how photography was incorporated into everyday lives, and how we value those photographs today as historical objects. Objects will include the 1860 Rutgers college yearbook that belonged to Texan George McNeel; Alexander Gardner's Sketchbook of the War; glass-plate negatives by Brady's studio of Lincoln's Cabinet; the portrait of a Union washerwoman; and Lincoln portraits incorporated into cartes-de-visite albums."

Free registration is required to access the webcast.

The Industrial Revolution


Donald L. Miller and Louis P. Masur follow the growth of American capitalism and industry from 1776 to 1861. They look at Samuel Slater's introduction of factories to the U.S.; the textile factory community of Lowell; transportation development and the creation of the Erie Canal; and the growth of Chicago, including quality of life and pollution issues it faced and its integration into the country's rail system.

The Coming of Independence


Donald L. Miller, with Pauline Maier and Waldo E. Martin, Jr., follow American history from the end of the French and Indian War through the American Revolution. On the way, they look at taxation and the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the Continental Congresses, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, Thomas Paine's Common Sense and its effects, the Declaration of Independence, and the war itself.

Growth and Empire


Donald L. Miller, with Pauline Maier and Virginia Scharff, follow the growth of the British American colonies from 1663 to 1763, examining the expansion of the economy (and of the slave trade), population increase, the development of slave culture, social structure (particularly in the city of Philadelphia), political trends, the life of Benjamin Franklin, and the French and Indian War.

The U.S. Role in a Changing World


In 47 short video clips, ranging in length from 43 seconds to over three minutes, 11 different scholars examine changes for the U.S. in the recent past and issues facing the country today, including the end of the Cold War, environmental concerns, international relations, terrorism and WMDs, and trade. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum The U.S. Role in a Changing World, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.

Iran Through the Looking Glass: History, Reform, and Revolution


In 45 short video clips, ranging in length from 53 seconds to over three minutes, scholars Jo-Ann Hart, Shala Haeri, Farzaneh Milani, Mariam Habibi, Joseph Cirincione, and Linda Miller look at Iranian history over the 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on events that led up to the 1979 Revolution, the Revolution and the Iran Hostage Crisis, and the effects of those events on Iran today. The clips examine how the U.S. was involved in all of these events. Intended to accompany the Choices Program's curriculum Iran Through the Looking Glass: History, Reform, and Revolution, these clips may still be used independently.

Registration is required, but free.