Researching Revolutionary Citizens


Corinne Dame, an actor-interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, describes the work involved in researching and portraying a variety of historical characters, including Frances Davenport, an upper-middling wife, married to Matthew Davenport, a clerk of the courts; Barbry Hoy, whose husband enlists in the Army during the Revolutionary War; and Elizabeth Maloney, who has two children with a slave.

Pounds, Pence, and Pistareens


Erik Goldstein, Curator of Mechanical Arts and Numismatics at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses an exhibit at the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum, "Pounds, Pence, and Pistareens: Coins and Currency in Colonial America," outlining the place of currency in the colonial economy and discussing the choices made in putting together the exhibit.

The Chiefdom of Powhatan Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/15/2009 - 11:39

Buck Woodard of Colonial Williamsburg describes the population and social organization of Native American society in the Chesapeake area prior to and during the arrival of the Jamestown colonists, focusing particularly on Powhatan and the Powhatan Paramount Chiefdom.