Integrating Field Research Activities into Classroom Curricula


Participants in this program will learn to integrate field research activities into their classroom curricula using the Schoodic Education Adventure program. The two-day institute investigates opportunities to collect field data, apply it to classroom lessons across the curricula, and connect it to real world applications in America's national parks.

Participants will create schoolyard investigation kits to take back to their classrooms; be introduced to outdoor, field-based activities that can be reproduced in a number of settings; learn classroom-based activities relating to science, social studies, technology, math, language arts, small group communication, public speaking, art, health, and citizenship; use GPS units and computers to create digital maps of study sites; and qualify for student scholarships and transportation assistance to take their students to the Schoodic Education Adventure program.

Workshop activities highlight studying forest community structure, marine biodiversity, geology, soil development, and New England history.

Sponsoring Organization
Acadia National Park
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$225. Stipend and scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Course Credit
CEUs arranged through the University of Maine.
Contact Title
SEA Director
Two days
End Date

The Most Southern Place on Earth: Music, Culture, and History in the Mississippi Delta


Participants in this workshop will travel throughout the Delta as they visit sites where significant events occurred. They will discuss and learn about issues involving civil rights and political leadership, immigrants' experiences in the Delta, the Blues, the great migration, agriculture, and the Mississippi River, among other things. They will sample Delta foods, visit local museums, and listen to the Blues. Field trips will roam as far as Greenville, Greenwood, and Memphis, with stops in between.

Contact name
Brown, Luther
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Delta Center for Culture and Learning
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Six days
End Date

Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center [NE]


"The Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center is a regional conservation center for the care of cultural materials. It was founded in 1995, as the newest division of the Nebraska State Historical Society." The center is located in Omaha, Nebraska, and houses state of the art laboratories for the examination, evaluation, and specialized conservation treatment of all kinds of historical artifacts. The center is committed to working with local citizens to aid in the preservation of historical artifacts, and to providing resources for preservation professionals.

The site offers visitor information and information regarding the professional resources and laboratories offered by the center.

The above entry is pre-existing. The center's offerings are intended for preservation professionals.

Ventura County Museum of History & Art [CA]


"The Museum of Ventura County promotes understanding of Ventura County’s history, art and culture through collections, exhibitions, publications, public programs and research." The museum first opened in 1913 and was known as the pioneer museum. The museum was known throughout the country for its interesting a varied collection of pioneer artifacts. The museum moved to its current location in 1973, and is now undergoing an extensive renovation. The museum currently holds an impressive range of collections, which chronicle Ventura County's history from ancient times to now.

The site offers visitor information, a museum store, information on educational programs, information regarding the current expansion project, and an online library catalog.

This entry is a duplicate of 8194.

Wildland Firefighter Museum [NM]


The Wildland Firefighter Museum was first opened in 1999 in Capitan, New Mexico. The museum is most noteworthy for its location next to the State Smokey Bear Historical park, the "birthplace and burial site of the world-renowned Smokey Bear." The museum contains collections of antique firefighting tools and equipment as well as a large collection of Smokey Bear memorabilia. In addition, the museum seeks to educate the public on wildland fire prevention.

The site only offers a basic synopsis of the museum.

Unable to find an official site to verify the continued existence of this museum.

Anaconda Main Street Program [MT]


The Anaconda Main Street program was founded in 2008 with a mission to "revitalize the downtown Anaconda business district with an emphasis on conserving, preserving and restoring Anaconda’s historic buildings and resources that reflect the community’s heritage, personality and values." Today, Anaconda is a popular resort destination in Southwest Montana.

The site is actually the Anaconda town website, and so offers information on attractions and services in the town of Anaconda.

This is a community revitalization and tourism promotion effort.

Museums Alaska [AK]


"Museums Alaska is the statewide museum association of individuals and institutions committed to preserving the natural and human history of Alaska, improving existing museums, and promoting staff training." Museums Alaska maintains a central office to recieve and distribute information about Alaska's museums and also publishes a quarterly newsletter, "Network," which provides the public with information about highlighted Alaska museums and alerts museum employees with professional employees.

The site offers links to all museums affiliated with the association, an events calendar, online job listings, and a .pdf version of "Network."

This site is intended as a resource for museum professionals.

Florida Office of Cultural and Historical Preservation [FL]


"The Division of Historical Resources is within the Department of State, and is the state agency responsible for promoting the historical, archaeological, museum and folk culture resources in Florida. The Director of the Division of Historical Resources serves as Florida's State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), providing a liaison with the national historic preservation program conducted by the National Park Service." Housed within the division is are the preservation and archaeology offices, as well as a committee that runs the Museum of Florida History.

The site offers a wealth of historical and preservation resources, visitor information regarding the museum, and events calendar, an online publication store, and information on grants.

The above entry was pre-existing. The physical site for visitation, the Museum of Florida History, is listed separately within the database.

Historic Preservation Society of Social Circle [GA]


The Historic Preservation Society of Social Circle was founded with two goals in mind, to acquire a significant historic property to serve as society headquarters and as a community history center, and to develop a sizable membership in order to provide community based programs. With the acquisition of Gunter Hall and a membership of nearly 150, the society has achieved both of those goals. Currently, Gunter Hall is undergoing an extensive renovation. When finished, Gunter Hall will serve as a historic house museum in addition to its current role as society headquarters.

The site offers information about the society, visitor information for the town of Social Circle, a history of Social Circle, a history of the Social Circle school system, and an events calendar.

A museum is under development.