Visions of the American Environment


"Led by Patty Limerick, this seminar uses focused case studies to explore the larger picture of environmental history, a subject that has grown increasingly complex as historians deepen their understanding of the vast role of 'anthropogenic change' (also known as 'history!') in reconfiguring the places and processes we think of as 'natural.' Much of the seminar explores the transformation of attitudes, from the assessment of North American landscapes and resources by early settlers to the recognition of the changing "baseline" of global warming, along with a reconsideration—and revision—of the usual polarity pitting utilitarian approaches in opposition to preservationist approaches to the management of nature. With guest speakers drawn from the University of Colorado’s widely respected environmental studies program, the roles of naturalists and scientists in shaping American thinking about nature will receive particular attention, as will changes in the production and consumption of energy, a fundamental matter in environmental history. The concluding field trip to Rocky Mountain National Park gives the themes of the lectures and discussions a down-to-earth grounding in a visit to one of the most popular units in the nation’s public lands, while close attention to John McPhee’s 'Encounters with the Archdruid' provides a framework for drawing lessons from the past to enhance the quality of contemporary environmental decision-making."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
1 646-366-9666
Target Audience
Start Date
None ($400 stipend)
Course Credit
"Participants who complete the seminar in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate. Teachers may use this certificate to receive in-service credit, subject to the policy of their district. No university credit is offered for the course."
One week
End Date

The Great Plains: America's Crossroads


"To many, the Great Plains are part of the Great Flyover, whose landscape and history alike are flat and featureless. But in this region in the middle of the nation, cultures have mingled and clashed for thousands of years. This seminar will focus on the 19th century, though also examining the first peoples and the continuing cultural exchanges of the 20th century. It will begin with the physical setting, plants, and animals, and consider early humans in both Native American traditions and anthropological/archeological studies. Europeans arriving in the 16th century accelerated the long history of change and evolution, initiating more than three centuries of converging peoples and cultures, new centers of power, flourishing trade, calamitous epidemics, and cultural and material intrusions from across the planet. Participants will visit Bent’s Fort to see a cultural crossroads illustrated through one family. The seminar will also examine cattle ranching, homesteading, scientific explorations, and the depiction of the plains in art."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
1 646-366-9666
Target Audience
Start Date
None ($400 stipend)
Course Credit
"Participants who complete the seminar in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate. Teachers may use this certificate to receive in-service credit, subject to the policy of their district. No university credit is offered for the course."
One week
End Date

Everyday Life in Early America


"The seminar will explore the lived experience of ordinary Americans during the colonial period of history. Topics will include: family and household, community organization, making a living, religious belief and practice, witchcraft and magic, and shared patterns of human psychology. Material culture will also receive considerable emphasis: domestic architecture, furnishings, the natural environment. Mornings will be devoted to lectures and discussion; afternoons to field trips and library work."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Phone number
1 646-366-9666
Target Audience
Start Date
None ($400 stipend)
Course Credit
"Participants who complete the seminar in a satisfactory manner will receive a certificate. Teachers may use this certificate to receive in-service credit, subject to the policy of their district. No university credit is offered for the course."
One week
End Date

The Great Plains from Texas to Saskatchewan: Place, Memory, Identity


This seminar will examine the creation of identity and a sense of place by inhabitants and visitors to the Great Plains throughout the history of the U.S. Discussions and lectures will focus on four books: author and historian Walter P. Webb's 1931 "The Great Plains"; author Willa Cather's 1918 "My Antonia"; author N. Scott Momaday's 1969 "The Way to Rainy Mountain"; and author, historian, and environmentalist Wallace Stegner's 1955 autobiography "Wolf Willow: A History, a Story, and a Memory of the Last Plains Frontier."

Contact name
Isern, Tom
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 701-799-2942
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($3,600 stipend)
Course Credit
"Those seminarians desiring to earn graduate credit or continuing education units will be enabled to do so – arrangements in progress." Participants will also receive a certificate indicating participation.
Contact Title
Seminar Director
Five weeks
End Date

Inventing America: Lowell and the Industrial Revolution


This workshop will "combine scholarly presentations with on-site investigations of the canals, mills, worker housing, and exhibits of Lowell National Historical Park and of other sites in Lowell's historic district. Sessions draw on scholarly monographs, primary sources, and works of literature and historical fiction. It will intersperse lecture-discussions, hands-on activities, and field investigations. In addition to Lowell’s landmark resources, it will take full advantage of Old Sturbridge Village exhibits and scholars to explore pre-industrial rural life and draw on the expertise of scholars and presenters at Walden Pond and the Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts, to explore how prominent authors addressed the question of industrialization’s effect on American life, values, and the environment." Specific topics will include "American Industrialization: Lowell, Massachusetts, in International Context," "Comparing Farm and Factory Life, and Cash and Market Economies," "Market Volatility, Competition, and Worker Responses to the New Industrial Order," "Industrialization and Nature: A Comparison of Lowell and Concord," and "Immigration and Industrialization: Poverty or Upward Mobility?."

Contact name
Anstey, Ellen
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 978-970-5080
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"The Tsongas Industrial History Center will provide teacher-participants a certificate stating the teacher has earned up to forty professional development credits (CEUs/PDPs) for the face-to-face portion of the Workshop and up to forty additional CEUs/PDPs if pre/post Workshop assignments are completed, including the submission of a copy of a curriculum portfolio of at least five class periods of instruction. At additional cost, teachers wishing graduate credit may earn up to three graduate credits for the Workshop through the UMass Lowell Graduate School of Education."
Contact Title
Administrative Assistant
Six days
End Date

Inventing America: Lowell and the Industrial Revolution


This workshop will "combine scholarly presentations with on-site investigations of the canals, mills, worker housing, and exhibits of Lowell National Historical Park and of other sites in Lowell's historic district. Sessions draw on scholarly monographs, primary sources, and works of literature and historical fiction. It will intersperse lecture-discussions, hands-on activities, and field investigations. In addition to Lowell’s landmark resources, it will take full advantage of Old Sturbridge Village exhibits and scholars to explore pre-industrial rural life and draw on the expertise of scholars and presenters at Walden Pond and the Old Manse in Concord, Massachusetts, to explore how prominent authors addressed the question of industrialization’s effect on American life, values, and the environment." Specific topics will include "American Industrialization: Lowell, Massachusetss, in International Context," "Comparing Farm and Factory Life, and Cash and Market Economies," "Market Volatility, Competition, and Worker Responses to the New Industrial Order," "Industrialization and Nature: A Comparison of Lowell and Concord," and "Immigration and Industrialization: Poverty or Upward Mobility?."

Contact name
Anstey, Ellen
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 978-970-5080
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"The Tsongas Industrial History Center will provide teacher-participants a certificate stating the teacher has earned up to forty professional development credits (CEUs/PDPs) for the face-to-face portion of the Workshop and up to forty additional CEUs/PDPs if pre/post Workshop assignments are completed, including the submission of a copy of a curriculum portfolio of at least five class periods of instruction. At additional cost, teachers wishing graduate credit may earn up to three graduate credits for the Workshop through the UMass Lowell Graduate School of Education."
Contact Title
Administrative Assistant
Six days
End Date

Building America: Minnesota's Iron Range, U.S. Industrialization, and the Creation of a World Power


"Offered in Summer 2008, the workshop will focus on the history and activities that took place on the Vermilion and the Mesabi Iron Ranges. Participants will be provided with resources and new content knowledge for introducing the history of Minnesota's Iron Range region, its contributions, and its people into their current American history curriculum. In order to make this easier, the workshops will be based on national history standards and the national social studies standards and will be organized around three central themes that align with those standards. These three themes are: 1) Natural History of the Landmark: Geography and Geology; 2) The Mines and their Contributions to American History; 3) and the People and the Mines (indigenous peoples, ethnicity, and immigration)."

Contact name
Eilers, Rebecca
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 651-772-4257
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Six days
End Date

Building America: Minnesota's Iron Range, U.S. Industrialization, and the Creation of a World Power


"Offered in Summer 2008, the workshop will focus on the history and activities that took place on the Vermilion and the Mesabi Iron Ranges. Participants will be provided with resources and new content knowledge for introducing the history of Minnesota's Iron Range region, its contributions, and its people into their current American history curriculum. In order to make this easier, the workshops will be based on national history standards and the national social studies standards and will be organized around three central themes that align with those standards. These three themes are: 1) Natural History of the Landmark: Geography and Geology; 2) The Mines and their Contributions to American History; 3) and the People and the Mines (indigenous peoples, ethnicity, and immigration)."

Contact name
Eilers, Rebecca
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 651-772-4257
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Six days
End Date

The View from the Shore


This workshop will "explore Florida's past and her peoples through the lenses of archaeology and history, beginning with an overview of the archaeological record, moving to the historical, and then wrestling with contemporary questions of interpretation, perspective, and ownership of objects. What can the archaeological record reveal about social and economic status and cultural traditions? How do we reconcile different worldviews?"

Contact name
Wakefield, Laura
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Florida Center for Teachers
Phone number
1 407-563-4925
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Program Coordinator
One day

The Florida Dream: A Social History of the Sunshine State


"This workshop offers educators an opportunity for a lively exploration of the fascinating historic and cultural trajectory of Florida in the 20th Century. Among the topics the workshop will explore are: the land boom, tourism, agriculture and environment, technology, immigration, and the internationalization of Florida."

Contact name
Schoenacher, Ann Simas
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Florida Center for Teachers
Phone number
1 727-873-2009
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Contact Title
Project Director
Seven days
End Date