

This iCue Mini-Documentary describes mercantilism, an economic system which rested on the exchange of raw goods from North America with manufactured goods from England. The practice eventually enraged the colonists, who saw it as England's effort to assert its control over the colonies.

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Indentured Servitude


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces indentured servitude, which plantation owners offered laborers in order to attract them to the colonies. In exchange for travel expenses, these laborers were expected to work the land for several years.

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The Carolinas Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/09/2008 - 18:43

This iCue Mini-Documentary describes South Carolina's founding by aristocratic settlers from England who establish the city of Charleston as a major center for the African slave trade as well as the trade of Native American slaves. Those who shunned slavery moved north to establish North Carolina.

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Slavery and Indentured Servitude


Michael Ray narrates a basic introduction to indentured servitude and slavery in the North American colonies. The presentation looks at the transition from indentured servitude as the most common form of forced labor to the use of African slaves and the development of the slave trade. It includes excerpts from the oral history of a former slave.

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Pontiac's Rebellion


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the war that Indian chief Pontiac launched against the British and Americans to push them out of Indian lands, in response to Americans continued settlement in Native American territory west of the Appalachian Mountains.

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This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the establishment of the Georgia colony by philanthropist James Oglethorpe as a refuge for criminals from England's debtor prisons. At first he banned slavery for fear of an African insurrection, but eventually relaxed his rules to attract more immigrants.

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Pocahontas and the Children Exchange


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes an arrangement at Jamestown settlement in Virginia, in which both the English and Indians exchanged young children, including Pocahontas, in order to learn more about each other's culture and language. This arrangement fathered a cultural exchange between the two groups.

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Virginians and Indians


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the colony of Jamestown's struggles to survive, as tense relations with local Indians erupt into the First and Second Anglo-Powhatan Wars of the early and mid-1600s.

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Columbian Exchange


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the early encounters between Europeans and Native Americans that brought about a cultural exchange that benefited one group while bringing misery to the other. While Europeans were introduced to new crops, the Indians were plagued with Old World diseases.

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