Georgetown: Humble Beginnings


Historian Carroll Gibbs discusses the foundation and early years of Georgetown (now part of Washington, D.C.), looking particularly at the role of African Americans in the community. He touches on the slave trade and also on the growth of African-American churches and religious communities in the city.

This feature is no longer available.

Spertus: Educator Reception and Workshop


From the Spertus website:

"Teachers of all levels and settings are invited to join Spertus Museum educators to learn about the exciting new tours, resources, and educational opportunities that are available this year.

Explore letters, language and storytelling in the new Gray Children's Center. Discuss stereotypes and discrimination while you tour the Twisted into Recognition exhibition. Learn about Holocaust education, tours on Jewish heritage and traditions, and the upcoming exhibition A Force for Change: African American Art and the Julius Rosenwald Fund.

Ask about earning CPDUs as part of your visit by participating in our fall teacher workshop, Storytelling: A Gateway to Literacy. End your visit by catching up with colleagues over a glass of wine and light refreshments."

Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Two hours

From Diversity Comes Our Greatest Strength: Using the Talent in Our Community


From the Continuing Ed Options website:

"Not only will you experience a sample of the literature, music, art and dress, but you will be delighted with authentic dishes prepared by chefs from a number of diverse cultures. The cost for these ethnic meals in included in the tuition. We will meet in the Neighborhood House, a multi-cultural, multi-lingual community center, see Mexican Folk Dancers and experience an authentic Mexican dining experience. In New Prague we will be entertained by a group of senior folk singers and learn about the cultural history of the area. We will be treated to some traditional Czech food at the Town's Edge Restaurant. Participants will visit the American Swedish Institute, observing the elegant Turnblad mansion, its many pieces of furniture, painting and personal accessories and experience an authentic smorgasbord. We will also meet at the Minnesota Historical Society and learn about the many diverse societies that make our country so culturally rich."

Sponsoring Organization
Continuing Education Options
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
"3 CE Graduate Semester Credits"
Five days
End Date

Arab American National Museum Workshop for Midwestern Educators


From the Arab American National Museum website:

"Through a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the AANM presents a free three-day summer workshop to enhance educators' knowledge of the Arab World, Arab Americans and Islam."

Contact name
Freij, Janice
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Arab American National Museum
Phone number
Target Audience
Educators based in the Midwestern United States
Start Date
Three days
End Date

The Progressive Era


The transition to an industrial economy posed many problems for the United States. This course examines those problems and the responses to them that came to be known as progressivism. The course includes the study of World War I as a manifestation of progressive principles. The course emphasizes the political thought of Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and their political expression of progressive principles.

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $500 stipend
Course Credit
Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $468.
Six days
End Date

Philadelphia's Economy in an Age of Atlantic World Revolutions


This seminar will have daily discussion at the Library Company of Philadelphia, which was founded by Benjamin Franklin, and where participants will have hands-on access to writings and images of this tumultuous era. Daily meetings will look at the ups and downs of fighting a long war for American independence, and then relate these experiences to the wider Atlantic world of revolutionary contagion. Participants will visit some of the historical places Philadelphians would have known more than 200 years ago, many of which are within blocks of the Library Company.

Contact name
Shapiro, Debbie
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Library Company of Philadelphia
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $3,200 stipend
Twenty-six days
End Date

Developing Cartographic Literacy with Historic Maps


This 3-week seminar led by James Akerman (The Newberry Library) and Gerald Danzer (Emeritus, The University of Illinois at Chicago) is designed to develop cartographic literacy and encourage effective use of map documents in the classroom through study in the history of cartography. A program of seminars based on recent scholarship in the history of cartography and guided individual research will allow teachers to explore the relevance of map study to their own interests and curricular needs. Workshops will serve as forums for refining and applying the skills necessary to read maps as products of science, artistic creations, storytellers, wayfinding tools, and expressions of power; and as representations of worldviews and local landscapes.

Contact name
Frank, Sarah
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Newberry Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $2,600 stipend
Contact Title
Program Assistant
Nineteen days
End Date

A Rising People: Benjamin Franklin and the Americans


During this one-week workshop, workshop fellows will walk the streets and alleys that Benjamin Franklin walked, step through the doorways that he knew, sit in the churches where he worshiped, and stroll around the houses and public buildings where he helped to found the United States. Fellows will also explore the many rooms of Benjamin Franklin's mind: writer, printer, civic leader, politician, diplomat, scientist, revolutionary, founder. They will read Franklin's words—published and personal—and those of other men and women who lived in the era. They will examine the key aspects of gender, of race, of social class, and diverse other topics.

Contact name
Boudreau, George W.
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Two types of credit will be available to each educator participating: Institute staff will assist educators in receiving continuing education credit (similar to Pennsylvania's Act-48 requirements). In addition, participants may register for graduate-level credit through the Pennsylvania State University, which will require both participation in all programs of the week-long workshop and additional readings and assignments.
Contact Title
Project Director
Six days
End Date

A Rising People: Benjamin Franklin and the Americans


During this one-week workshop, workshop fellows will walk the streets and alleys that Benjamin Franklin walked, step through the doorways that he knew, sit in the churches where he worshiped, and stroll around the houses and public buildings where he helped to found the United States. Fellows will also explore the many rooms of Benjamin Franklin's mind: writer, printer, civic leader, politician, diplomat, scientist, revolutionary, founder. They will read Franklin's words—published and personal—and those of other men and women who lived in the era. They will examine the key aspects of gender, of race, of social class, and diverse other topics.

Contact name
Boudreau, George W.
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
Course Credit
Two types of credit will be available to each educator participating: Institute staff will assist educators in receiving continuing education credit (similar to Pennsylvania's Act-48 requirements). In addition, participants may register for graduate-level credit through the Pennsylvania State University, which will require both participation in all programs of the week-long workshop and additional readings and assignments.
Contact Title
Project Director
Six days
End Date

Pearl Harbor: History, Memory, Memorial


This workshop will provide the larger historical and cultural context for understanding the Pearl Harbor attacks by illuminating one of the most important (if at times antagonistic) bilateral relationships in the 20th century—that between the United States and Japan—and the impact of that relationship on both nations' international affairs. Importantly, it will explore the multiple histories that converge at Pearl Harbor—including not only American and Japanese but also Hawaiian and diverse American experiences, especially those of Americans of Japanese ancestry—reminding participants that despite the mythic status of the Pearl Harbor story in American culture, there are in fact a number of "Pearl Harbors," with different impacts and memories for diverse Americans and for people throughout the world. During the workshop, participants will visit the Arizona Memorial and related attack sites in order to gain a sense of the time and place represented by these historic resources. Since the history of Pearl Harbor is still a living history, participants will also have the unique opportunity to meet with Pearl Harbor survivors, World War II generation residents of Hawaii, and Japanese Americans who spent the wartime years in internment camps, and to experience history "come alive" through their oral histories. Importantly, the workshop will model ways to teach collaboratively. Participants will engage in rigorous conversations with leading U.S. and Japanese scholars about the historical significance and meanings of the events surrounding the attacks and important cultural and historical issues that continue to shape national perceptions of Pearl Harbor. Through hands-on sessions, participants will work closely with the scholars as well as with a group of teachers from Japan and with one another as they explore issues of content and pedagogy in teaching Pearl Harbor and develop plans for collaborative projects and lesson plans that integrate materials from the workshop. In this way, the workshop will serve as a catalyst for creating a network of educators dedicated to ongoing scholarship, professional development, and collaboration.

Contact name
Smith, Bryan
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
East-West Center
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Free; $750 stipend
One week
End Date