America on the Move, Part Two: Creating Stories


Smithsonian National Museum of American History curators share secrets of how they develop the individual stories presented in exhibitions such as "America on the Move." They then help students who are creating their own family stories by analyzing objects, documents, and other resources. This presentation continues from the presentation "America on the Move, Part One: Migrations, Immigrations, and How We Got Here."

To view this electronic field trip, select "America on the Move, Part Two: Creating Stories" under the heading "Electronic Field Trips."

The Second Party System in American Politics


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia looks at the development of a second two-party political system in antebellum U.S. and the role the system played in balancing and unifying the nation. Holt also looks at the dissolution of this second system through loss of public faith in the Democratic and Whig parties as they stood and in the development of the Republican and Know Nothing parties in response to new social forces (such as immigration and the rise of Roman Catholicism).

To view this clip, select "The Second Party System in American Politics" under "Political Development Video."

Women's Changing Roles in Immigrant Families


Kathryn Kish Sklar of SUNY-Binghamton discusses the immigration of Germans and Irish to the U.S. during the antebellum period, to serve as members of the working class. Sklar considers immigrant labor as supporting the development of the new middle class, and also looks at the changing role of women in immigrant families.

To view this clip, select "Women's Changing Roles in Immigrant Families" under "Economic Development and Labor Video."

Radio Fights Jim Crow


During the World War II years, a series of groundbreaking radio programs tried to mend the deep racial and ethnic divisions that threatened America. At a time when blacks were usually shown on the radio as lazy buffoons, the federal government and civil rights activists used radio for a counter attack. Did radio unify America in the face of war? This documentary is divided into three downloadable sections.

To listen to this documentary, select "Part One," "Part Two," or "Part Three" beside the text "Radio Fights Jim Crow."

An Overview of American History


Dr. Steven Mintz narrates a general overview of U.S. history, beginning with colonialism and the American Revolution. The presentation focuses on the themes of freedom and equality and the struggle by minorities for both.

To watch this video, scroll to "Flash Movies." From there, select "An Overview of American History."

Civil Rights in America, Part Two


Professor Ken Masugi explores the nature of civil rights in the American founding and its evolution during and after the Civil War. He moves on to later developments, including the Civil Rights Movement and the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. This lecture continues from the lecture "Civil Rights in America, Part One."