At this workshop, teachers may test curriculum produced by Densho, an award-winning leader in the field of oral history, while they gain expertise in working with oral histories in the classroom. The workshop will present innovative lessons that include primary sources drawn from Densho's Digital Archive of interviews, photos, and documents. The workshop will introduce new social studies units for elementary, middle, and high school that are aligned with Washington State Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs).
A new interactive online exhibit from the California Council for the Humanities (CCH)—"We Are California"—will explore the history and stories of those who have immigrated or migrated to California. A new partnership between the Council and the California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP) will help to bring this exciting resource to the classroom. The topic of these workshops will be "The Era of Great Internal Migrations to California" between World War I and World War II. It will discuss, contrast, and analyze the experiences of Dust Bowl migrants to California, Mexicans, and Mexican Americans.
This Geography Awareness Week workshop will begin with a lecture on migration to the U.S. from Latin America. Lessons from the Geography Action! packet will then be introduced. The session will conclude with guided tours of four Latin-American art exhibits at the Fowler Museum.
This workshop addresses the questions "In what ways is Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives a document of progressive reform?," "What does How the Other Half Lives tell us about urbanization and immigration?," and "How does Riis use photography in How the Other Half Lives?"
The Center's online resource workshops give high school teachers of U.S. history and American literature a deeper understanding of their subject matter. They introduce teachers to fresh texts and critical perspectives and help teachers integrate them into their lessons. Led by distinguished scholars and running 60 to 90 minutes, they are conducted through lecture and discussion using conferencing software. A resource workshop identifies central themes within a topic and explores ways to teach them through the close analysis of primary texts, including works of art, and the use of discussion questions. Texts are drawn from anthologies in the Center's Toolbox Library. To participate, all that is needed is a computer with an internet connection, a speaker, and a microphone.
This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how temporary workers from Mexico filled huge labor shortages created by World War II and became part of the continuing debate about immigration.
Professor Maria Montoya of New York University reveals the international nature of the California Gold Rush. Miners swarmed into California from Mexico, South America, Europe, and beyond.
This event presents a reading and discussion with Rick Hollander, editor of Every Day Lasts a Year: A Jewish Family's Correspondence from Poland. He will recount his family's poignant experiences before and during the Holocaust as revealed through letters found after his parents' deaths.
Marjorie Agosin, recipient of the United Nations Leadership Award for Human Rights was raised in Santiago, Chile until the 1973 coup. She is the author of poetry and prose about human rights, memory, and Jewish identity. Her work exemplifies the power of language to effect change and give voice.