Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

Article Body

The ATF, in its own words, is a law enforcement body created specifically to protect from "violent criminals, criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, the illegal use and storage of explosives, acts of arson and bombings, acts of terrorism, and the illegal diversion of alcohol and tobacco products."

The website is almost entirely technical data on substance and equipment regulations. The only item which may be of use to educators or to students conducting related reports is the Reading Room, which offers access to select records frequently requested by the general public. Of note are the Annual Firearms Manufacturers and Export Reports (1998-2007), which catalog the place of origin and numbers of exported firearms, and the 2006-2008 firearms trace data. The latter provides statistics on the number of firearms recovered in any given state, the types of weapons recovered, and the state of origin of these weapons, which may be of use for studying travel between states, area crime, and/or firearm law. The export reports, as opposed to the trace data, require the user to crunch the numbers to develop useful statistics.

The site does include a children's page. However, the majority of this page's content links to sections originally written for an adult audience.

Uncivil Wars


From the Kansas State Historical Society website:

"African American soldiers were rare during the Civil War, and black officers almost non-existent. Thirty years later, Major John Brown from Topeka led soldiers to Cuba during the Spanish-American War using this saber."

A Workshop for Peace


From the Snag Learning website:

"Commissioned by the United Nations for the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the U.N. The story of how the world’s greatest architects representing many of the original member nations came together and created an architectural symbol for global Peace."

Nice Hat, Harry


From the Kansas State Historical Society website:

"Panama hats symbolized power in the first half of the 20th century. This expensive headwear marked the presence of a well-traveled man. Today's episode considers a Panama hat worn by President Harry Truman."

Limited War, Unlimited


From the Library of Congress website:

"Historian Marilyn B. Young, in a lecture at the Library of Congress, discusses the nature of America's limited wars, from Korea to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sponsored by the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress, the lecture is presented in conjunction with the National History Center's Decolonization Seminar."