Walt Whitman House [NJ]


Visitors to this site can step back in time to the humble dwelling of the "Good Gray Poet," Walt Whitman. Constructed in 1848, this modest wooden-framed structure built in Greek-revival style was the only home ever owned by Walt Whitman. Here is where Whitman grew to international fame as the author of Leaves of Grass, hosted visitors from around the world, and completed his last comprehensive volume of poetry before his death in 1892. Today, as a New Jersey State Historic Site and a National Historic Landmark, the restored Whitman House welcomes visitors from around the world who come to experience the last worldly surroundings of America's great "Poet of Democracy."

The house offers exhibits, tours, and occasional educational and recreational events.

Margaret Mitchell House and Museum [GA]


The Margaret Mitchell House was the adult home of American author Margaret Mitchell and the place where she wrote Gone with the Wind. The site also houses the Literary Center, which honors Mitchell's legacy through writing education programs.

The Museum offers exhibits, guided tours (with group tours available by arrangement) writing classes, summer camps, lectures, and other recreational and educational events.

The Mount [MA]


The Mount is the Lennox, MA, estate of famed writer Edith Wharton. Wharton is most famous for her prolific works, and is the first woman to have been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Wharton was also very interested in design and landscaping, and put a lot of personal work into the mansion and its fantastic gardens.

The Mount offers exhibits on Edith Wharton, guided tours, and special events. The website offers visitor information, a history of The Mount, a brief biography of Edith Wharton, and a calendar of events.

Humanities Tennessee


Humanities Tennessee promotes state-wide community through educational history, culture, and literature programming. The organization maintains a lending library of documentary films which are relevant to Southern history and culture.

The organization offers videos for loan.

Sarah Orne Jewett House


Writer Sarah Orne Jewett spent much of her life in this stately Georgian residence, owned by her family since 1819. The view from her desk in the second-floor hall surveys the town's major intersection and provided her with material for her books, such as The Country of the Pointed Firs, which describe the character of the Maine countryside and seacoast with accuracy and affection. In decorating the house for their own use, Miss Jewett and her sister expressed both a pride in their family's past and their own independent, sophisticated tastes. The result is an eclectic blend of 18th-century architecture, antiques, and old wallpapers with furnishings showing the influence of the Arts and Crafts movement.

The house offers tours and educational and recreational programs.

Key West Heritage House Museum and Robert Frost Cottage [FL]


The Key West Heritage House Museum presents the literary and piracy histories of Key West, as well as life in the area over six generations. The structure itself is an 1830s Caribbean Colonial residence. Collections include period furnishings and maritime artifacts. The grounds include gardens and the Robert Frost cottage, in which audio recordings of the poet's work can be heard.

The museum offers exhibits, period rooms, and guided tours.

John G. Neihardt State Historic Site [NE]


Visitors to this site can discover the story of John G. Neihardt, Nebraska's Poet Laureate and author of Black Elk Speaks. John G. Neihardt called Bancroft, Nebraska home from 1900 to 1920. Visitors can see the study where the famous poet wrote many of his works or visit the interpretive center and walk in the Sioux Prayer Garden. Among the many objects on exhibit in the memorial room are items Lakota Holy Man Black Elk gave to Neihardt over the course of their friendship, including the sacred hoop of the world, a drum, and a pipe. The Neihardt Center has a library of secondary sources exploring Neihardt's life and legacy available to researchers for inhouse use.

The site offers exhibits, tours, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Atlanta History Center [GA]


The Atlanta History Center consists of the Atlanta History Museum, Swan House, Tullie Smith Farm, Centennial Olympic Games Museum, historic gardens, Kenan Research Center, and the Margaret Mitchell House. The Atlanta History Museum depicts the story of Atlanta, GA, from early settlement to modern day. Permanent exhibits address historical development, the Civil War, folk arts, and golfer Bobby Jones. The Olympic museum presents the history of the Olympic Games and the sports which take place at the games via a collection of artifacts and photographs. Topics addressed include financing the event, community involvement, global travel to the Olympics, the bid process, and building game venues. The six historic gardens represent groups of people who influenced the development of Atlanta. The Kenan Research Center provides resources for the study of the history and culture of Atlanta and the South. Particular emphasis is given to gardens, military history, decorative arts, and genealogy. The 1928 Swan House portrays life in the 1920s-1930s; while the 1840s Tullie Smith Farm home is representative of area rural life, and is surrounded by outbuildings, such as a blacksmith shop. The Margaret Mitchell House is listed separately within this database.

The center offers guided student tours, self-guided student tours, traveling trunks, interactive outreach programs for students, homeschool days, educator workshops, lectures, toddler programs, summer camps, musical performances, gardens, and living history presentations. The Atlanta History Museum offers exhibits, summer camps, and a cafe. The Centennial Olympic Games Museum offers interactive and traditional exhibits, a sports lab, and multimedia presentations. The Kenan Research Center offers research library access. The Swan House offers an exhibit of decorative arts, audio tours, guided tours, and period rooms. The Tullie Smith Farm offers period rooms, guided tours, and demonstrations. The website offers lesson plans, a virtual tour, and a game based on the P.O.W. experience.

The Wadsworth-Longfellow House


This is the childhood home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a prominent poet in the transcendentalist movement of the early 19th century.

School tours are available for the house and for downtown Portland. Activities for younger students are also offered. Teacher resources and on-line activities are free.

Howard County Historical Society and Museums [NE]


The Howard County Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Howard County, Nebraska. To this end, the society operates the Saint Paul Transportation Museum and Village Depot, the Veterans Museum, the Historical Village, and the Gruber House. The transportation museum is located within a 1908 railway depot. The village consists of a historic schoolhouse, containing local history exhibits; a historic store, containing frontier life exhibits; a forge, complete with blacksmithing demonstrations and exhibits; and the depot, which contains the transportation museum. The 1908 Gruber House contains the Veterans Museum, as well as exhibits about Native American life, Howard County religion, Victorian era life, and Jean Catharine Potts. Potts (1910-1999) was a nationally recognized mystery author. Her works include Go, Lively Rose and The Evil Wish.

The society offers period rooms, exhibits, and blacksmithing demonstrations.