Rural Hill: Center of Scottish Heritage [NC]


Rural Hill consists of the 265-acre farmlands of John Davidson, Revolutionary War soldier and son of Scottish immigrants. The site contains a reconstruction of the Davidson home, as well as two historic schoolhouses (built 1890 and circa 1898) and the original ash house, chicken shed, granary, barn, well house, and smoke house. Today, the property operates as a working farm.

The center offers educational programs, walking trails, hayrides, and guided tours on period farm life and Rural Hill's involvement in the American Revolution. The website offers activities and suggested reading for educators.

Sam Bell Maxey House State Historic Site [TX]


Samuel Bell Maxey and his wife, Marilda, moved into their fashionable new home on the south side of Paris, TX, in 1868. Built in the High Victorian Italianate style, the frame house, plus book house and stable, were a progressive addition to the city's architecture and a proper home for the ex-Confederate general and later United States Senator. Maxey moved to Paris with his family in 1857. Construction of the house began in 1867 and it was remodeled in 1911. Members of the Maxey family lived in the house until 1966. The house has been restored and furnished to reflect almost 100 years of continuous use by the Maxey family.

The site offers tours.

Fairfax Station Railroad Museum [VA]


The Fairfax Station Railroad Museum is located in the old Fairfax Station, which played a vital role during the transportation of Union Troops during the Civil War. The station is notable for the humanitarian efforts that took place there during the second Battle of Manassas headed by Clara Barton. In addition to chronicling Clara Barton's humanitarian efforts, the museum also is home to a caboose, which visitors can tour.

The museum offers exhibits and tours regarding the Civil War and early railroad technology. The museum also offers model train exhibits and periodic tours of local Civil War sites. The website offers basic visitor information.

Oconee Station State Historic Site [SC]


Oconee Station State Historic Site is located on the western frontier of South Carolina and served as a military post against attack by the Cherokee Indians and later became a trading post.

Currently, the historic site offers a 1.5 mile nature trail, a .5 mile trail which takes visitors to the base of the Station Cove Falls waterfall, one of the prettiest waterfalls in South Carolina. The site also offers tours on the weekends. The website offers basic visitor information.

Chemung County History Museum [NY]


The Chemung County History Museum presents the history of the Chemung River Valley, New York and Pennsylvania. Library highlights include information on celebrated author Mark Twain's (1835-1910) life in Elmira, New York and research, official documentation, and personal accounts of the Elmira Prison Camp. The camp was in use between 1864 and 1865 and housed Confederate prisoners of the Civil War.

The museum offers exhibits, educational programs, guided walking tours, outreach programs, traveling trunks, a National History Day competition, an annual Civil War lecture series, and research library access. Library access is free to members and students. The website offers historical photographs.

Mansfield State Historic Site [LA]


Mansfield State Historic Site commemorates a series of Civil War skirmishes which culminated in the April 9, 1864 Battle of Pleasant Hill. The resulting Confederate victory prevented the Union from entering Texas and upset the Union's main objectives at that point in the war—the capture of Texas and the Confederate Trans-Mississippi Headquarters in Shreveport, Louisiana.

The site offers guided tours, exhibits, battle re-enactments, educational programs, living history events, and a picnic area.

Cliveden of the National Trust [PA]


The Cliveden National Trust Historic Site is located in the Germantown neighborhood in Philadelphia. The house served seven generations of Philadelphia's Chew family, and housed British troops during the Revolutionary War.

Today, the home serves as a historic house museum, and offers field trip programs for schoolchildren grades 3–8, and exhibits on the history of Philadelphia. The website offers a history of Cliveden, research information, a calendar of events, electronic educational resources, and visitor information.

Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site [NY]


The Bennington Battlefield State Historic Site commemorates the Revolutionary War battle between the British and American forces which was fought over American storehouses in Bennington. The State Historic Site consists of the battlefield, which has been kept in much the same condition as it was in during the battle, and a small visitor center.

The State Historic Site offers guided tours of the battlefield, exhibits in the visitor information center, and periodic special events, which include lectures and reenactments. The website offers a brief history of the site, as well as visitor information and an events calendar.

Lake Champlain Maritime Museum [VT]


The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum preserves and showcases the maritime history of Lake Champlain, with a particular focus on the warships of the Revolutionary War. Today, the museum maintains a collection of full-size replica ships as well as a variety of exhibits which take visitors through the history of the Lake.

The museum offers guided tours of both the museum and the museum fleet, as well as field trip programs for all age groups, in-class outreach presentations, and teaching kits rentable for a small fee. The website offers visitor information, a history of the museum, an events calendar, and information on special programs and events.

Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site [NY]


In 1776 56 loyalists signed the Declaration of Dependence at the Philipse Manor Hall State Historic Site.

The Manor Hall currently serves both as a local and national history museum. Highlights of the Hall include the building itself, a collection of Presidential portraits, and exhibits on local history. The website offers a brief history of the site, visitor information, and information regarding upcoming events.