Abraham Lincoln and the Forging of Modern America


This workshop "will explore Abraham Lincoln’s life in Springfield, Illinois and the political and historical challenges he faced as President. Educators will hear from outstanding Lincoln scholars drawn from universities in the St. Louis area," visit local historical sites important to Lincoln's life, attend pedagogical sessions, complete readings, and create lesson plans. Major themes discussed will be "Lincoln and American Nationalism," "Lincoln and Power," "Lincoln and Freedom," and "Lincoln and Race."

Contact name
Breck, Dr. Susan E.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 618-650-3444
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"SIUE can provide up to three units of graduate course credit for this workshop" | "SIUE can provide documentation of attendance and participation in this workshop."
Six days
End Date

Abraham Lincoln and the Forging of Modern America


This workshop "will explore Abraham Lincoln’s life in Springfield, Illinois and the political and historical challenges he faced as President. Educators will hear from outstanding Lincoln scholars drawn from universities in the St. Louis area," visit local historical sites important to Lincoln's life, attend pedagogical sessions, complete readings, and create lesson plans. Major themes discussed will be "Lincoln and American Nationalism," "Lincoln and Power," "Lincoln and Freedom," and "Lincoln and Race."

Contact name
Breck, Dr. Susan E.
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 618-650-3444
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Course Credit
"SIUE can provide up to three units of graduate course credit for this workshop" | "SIUE can provide documentation of attendance and participation in this workshop."
Six days
End Date

The Legacy of 1808: The Emancipation Proclamation Defined


"Leading American scholars Harold Holzer and Robert F. Engs offer two perspectives on the Emancipation Proclamation, considered the most important document of arguably one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history."

Sponsoring Organization
National Constitution Center
Phone number
1 215-409-6700
Target Audience
General Public
Start Date
None (reservations required)
One to two hours

An Evening with Former CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson


"The National C'onstitution Center welcomes Valerie Plame Wilson to discuss her new autobiography, Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House.' Plame Wilson provides her perspective on the public disclosure of her identity as a CIA officer and the federal investigation that led to the trial and conviction of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Scooter Libby."

Sponsoring Organization
National Constitution Center
Phone number
1 215-409-6700
Target Audience
General Public
Start Date
$12 members | $15 non-members | $6 K-12 teachers and students | (reservations required)
One to two hours

A Revolution in Government: Philadelphia, American Independence, and the Constitution, 1765-1791


This workshop "will explore the American Revolution and the creation of the U.S. Constitution through the use of the National Constitution Center’s innovative museum exhibits, lectures by leading scholars, interactive discussion and visits to numerous historic landmarks." Topics will include "The Anglo-American Heritage of Liberty," "Declaring Independence," "To Begin the World Anew: Establishing Government in the Name of the People," "Creating a New Federal Constitution," and "Adding a Bill of Rights: The Federalist/Anti-Federalist Debate."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 215-409-6628
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Five days
End Date

A Revolution in Government: Philadelphia, American Independence, and the Constitution, 1765-1791


This workshop "will explore the American Revolution and the creation of the U.S. Constitution through the use of the National Constitution Center’s innovative museum exhibits, lectures by leading scholars, interactive discussion and visits to numerous historic landmarks." Topics will include "The Anglo-American Heritage of Liberty," "Declaring Independence," "To Begin the World Anew: Establishing Government in the Name of the People," "Creating a New Federal Constitution," and "Adding a Bill of Rights: The Federalist/Anti-Federalist Debate."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
National Endowment for the Humanities
Phone number
1 215-409-6628
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Five days
End Date

Montpelier Weekend Seminar – The Bill of Rights


This seminar will analyze the content and history of the Bill of Rights, through lectures, readings, discussion, and specialized tours of Montpelier.

Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 540-672-2728
Target Audience
Start Date
None, for teachers working in VA, MD, NC, and DC
Four days
End Date

Montpelier Weekend Seminar – The Constitution


This seminar will analyze the content and history of the Constitution, through lectures, readings, discussion, and specialized tours of Montpelier.

Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 540-672-2728
Target Audience
Start Date
None, for teachers working in VA, MD, NC, and DC
Four days
End Date

Montpelier Weekend Seminar – Founding


This seminar will explore the founding of the United States, through lectures, readings, discussion, and specialized tours of Montpelier.

Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 540-672-2728
Target Audience
Start Date
None, for teachers working in VA, MD, NC, and DC
Four days
End Date

Montpelier Weekend Seminar – Citizenship


This seminar will look at the concept of citizenship, as set forth by the Founding Fathers, through lectures, readings, discussion, and specialized tours of Montpelier.

Sponsoring Organization
Phone number
1 540-672-2728
Target Audience
Start Date
None, for teachers working in VA, MD, NC, and DC
Four days
End Date