Fort Constitution Historic Site [NH]


Fort Constitution State Historic Site is located on a peninsula on the northeast corner of New Castle Island. It overlooks both the Pisquatua River and the Atlantic Ocean. Fort Constitution is one of seven forts built to protect Portsmouth Harbor. The earliest forts were built to protect the colonists. As Portsmouth Harbor's importance increased with the Revolutionary War shipbuilding industry and the establishment of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in 1800, additional fortification was needed. Following the Spanish American War (1898) the improved defense of key harbors became a national priority. Fortifications such as Fort Constitution were constructed on both coasts during the Endicott Period (1890–1920) and at Forts Stark, McClary, and Foster.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Pennsylvania Heritage Society [PA]


"Founded in 1983, the Pennsylvania Heritage Society is the co-publisher of the award-winning quarterly magazine, Pennsylvania Heritage®, and serves a critical role as the non-profit organization supporting the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC), the state's official history agency. With the support of over 4,000 members from every corner of the state and beyond, the Heritage Society works with the PHMC on a variety of projects to preserve and interpret Pennsylvania's history, art, and culture."

The site offers an events calendar, information regarding upcoming events, an extensive online bookstore, and visitor information about a the Pennsylvania Trails of History, a statewide trail system.

Umbrella organization; does not appear to be affiliated with a specific historic site.

Buffington Island [OH]


Buffington Island commemorates the only significant Civil War battle that took place on Ohio soil. Here a Union army routed a column of Confederate cavalry commanded by General John Hunt Morgan in 1863. A monument made of broken Ohio glacial boulders is set in a four-acre outdoor park where visitors can enjoy picnics and read the signs describing the history of the area. It is not on an island.

Website does not specify any interpretive services beyond signage offered at the site.

Cultural Heritage Museum [NC]


The Cultural Heritage Museum focuses on exploring the history of the more than 200,000 African American soldiers and their 7,000 white officers who fought with the Union forces in the American Civil War, with emphasis on the U.S. Colored troops from North Carolina; it also pays tribute to African American military veterans from all wars; Carl Long and the Negro Baseball League players; local heroes; and African American history in general.

The site offers information about events and the museum.

Museum does not have a website and does not yet appear to have a physical facility open to the public.

Fort Dilts State Historic Site [ND]


This site marks the location of a sod-wall protective enclosure hastily constructed by an 80-wagon party and their cavalry escort. They were attacked by Sioux Indians while en route to Montana gold fields in September 1864 and stayed corralled within the six-feet-high and two-feet-thick walls for 14 days until rescued by a column of troops from Fort Rice. There is a marker on the site.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.