Teaching Churchill


This three-day workshop examines the life of Winston Churchill. Participants will develop strategies for applying historical content in the classroom and across the curriculum.

Contact name
Crump, Mandy
Sponsoring Organization
Winston Churchill Memorial and Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
$150; $125 for museum members
Course Credit
Offers one hour of continuing education credit through the University of Missouri, Kansas City for an additional fee of $75.
Three days
End Date

Winston Churchill Memorial Breakout Session


This workshop provides in-depth training about the Winston Churchill Memorial's education curriculum specific to the 4–5 classroom. This workshop will assist teachers in preparing students for participating in the Memorial's various on-site and outreach school programs.

Contact name
Crump, Mandy
Sponsoring Organization
Winston Churchill Memorial and Library
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Four hours

Online Seminar: Holocaust and Human Behavior


From the Facing History and Ourselves website:

"Using Facing History's principal resource book, Holocaust and Human Behavior, as well as video, primary sources, and presentations by survivors and leading scholars of the Holocaust, participants will experience a rigorous encounter with this powerful history. During the Seminar, a wide range of innovative teaching strategies are used to help teachers confront the Holocaust. At the conclusion of the Seminar, participants leave with a thorough grounding on how to incorporate these teaching tools into their classrooms in ways that will help students connect the history of the Holocaust to the ethical choices they face today."

Contact name
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Course Credit
For $480, participants may register for 3 credits from Lesley University, MA; for $400, they may register for 3 credits from Northeaster College of Professional Studies, MA
Nine weeks
End Date

National Teach-in on Veteran's History


From the History Channel website:

"Educators and students nationwide can tune-in and view this LIVE webcast online at www.veterans.com. The webcast will be broadcast live from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

A panel of scholars and veterans will answer questions from students via video, email, and a live audience. The teach-in will focus on the histories and stories of World War II veterans, and will provide information on how communities nationwide can contribute to the Library of Congress' Veterans History Project. This event is part of the Take A Veteran to School Day initiative. For additional information, teacher resources, and tips for conducting oral histories with veterans, visit the Teacher Resources section at www.veterans.com. Stay tuned for more information about this event!"

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
History Channel, Library of Congress
Target Audience
Start Date

Living under the Guns: Learning about Occupied Murfreesboro


In this workshop, teachers will learn about the stories of civilians and soldiers during the Union occupation of Murfreesboro. This workshop will feature special living history programs at Fortress Rosecrans, the fortification built by the Union army after the Battle of Stones River.

Contact name
McKay, John
Sponsoring Organization
Stones River National Battlefield
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Education Coordinator
Four hours