Vietnam War and the Presidency: Lessons Learned


A panel including former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark, Senator Chuck Hagel, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert, NBC newsanchor Brian Williams, and former ambassador to Vietnam and POW Pete Peterson examines perception of the Vietnam War today and what effects the war and perceptions of it have had on the U.S. and continue to have.

Audio and video options are available.

Vietnam War and the Presidency: The Presidential Tapes


A series of professors and historians look at the presidential tape recordings of John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Lyndon B. Johnson, focusing on what these tapes reveal about the presidents' decisions and roles during the Vietnam War. The panel also discusses the significance of such recordings in general—to memory, to the press, to historians—and what they reveal about the character of individual presidents.

Audio and video options are available.

Forgotten Fifth: African Americans in the Age of Revolution


Professor Gary Nash discusses the conditions of the fifth of the population who were African American during the Revolutionary War and in its aftermath. Nash explores the escape of slaves to join the British and the conditions African Americans faced in the colonies after the war. His presentation includes slides.

Audio and video options are available.