Touro Synagogue National Historic Site [RI]


The Touro Synagogue was dedicated in 1762, and serves an active congregation today. The congregation was founded in 1658 by Sephardim who fled the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal and were searching for a haven from religious persecution in the Caribbean. Today, the synagogue celebrates not only their story, but serves to honor all who came to this shore seeking to worship freely.

A second website for the synagogue can be found here.

The site offers tours.

Roger Williams National Memorial [RI]


The Roger Williams National Memorial commemorates the life of Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island and champion of religious freedom. The memorial is located in downtown Providence, RI, and consists of a landscaped park along with a visitor center.

The memorial offers guided tours, ranger-led activities, exhibits, and a short film of Roger William's life. The website offers visitor information and a brief history of the memorial and of Roger Williams. In order to contact the memorial via email, use the "contact us" link located on the left side of the webpage.

Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site [NH]


Visitors to this site can discover the beautiful home, studios, and gardens of Augustus Saint-Gaudens, one of America's greatest sculptors. Over 100 of his artworks can be seen in the galleries, from heroic public monuments to expressive portrait reliefs, and the gold coins which changed the look of American coinage. Visitors can also enjoy summer concerts, explore nature trails, or discover their own talents during a sculpture class.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, workshops, other educational programs, and educational and recreational events.

Boston National Historical Park [MA] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:37

The Boston National Historical Park interprets the pre- and early Revolutionary War history of the Boston area, as well as U.S. Navy history. Many of the sites at which rangers conduct programs are located along the Freedom Trail, which possesses a separate entry in this directory. Collections include more than 70,000 photographs and negatives, 13,000 architectural drawings, and shipyard records.

Between mid-April and November, the park offers 90-minute tours of the downtown portion of Boston's Freedom Trail. Lectures are offered at Faneuil Hall and the Bunker Hill Monument. Tours are offered of the World War II and Cold War destroyer, the USS Cassin Young. The park also offers a Freedom Trail slide show, exhibits, a 10 minute Naval Yard introductory video, Junior Ranger activities, 13 educational programs for students with pre-visit materials, and teacher workshops. The website offers a virtual tour of the USS Cassin Young, videos of Navy Yard structures which are not publicly accessible, suggested reading lists for students and teachers, and Web Ranger activities. The USS Cassin Young is not wheelchair accessible.

Ponzi's Scheme: True Story of a Financial Legend Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:03

Professor Mitchell Zuckoff follows the life of Italian immigrant Charles Ponzi (1882-1949), legendary con man who set up the Securities Exchange Company, which promised investors massive returns on their investments based on the buying and trading of international postal reply coupons. The scheme, begun around 1918, collapsed in 1920 after the Boston Post revealed it to the public. The presentation includes slides.

Audio and video options are available.

Scam, Scandal, Murder, and Mayhem in Colonial Boston Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:03

COO of the New England Genealogical Society D. Brenton Simons explores the criminal history of colonial Boston. He examines such issues as murders and murderers, including a serial murderer; con men; and witch trials. His presentation includes slides.

Audio and video options are available.

The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Aerial Age Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:03

Chairman of Aeronautics at the Smithsonian Institution Peter L. Jakab explores the Wright brothers' invention of the airplane and how the brothers were able to achieve flight when scientists and engineers for centuries had failed to do so. Jakab discusses the impact of the airplane on the "world at large"—particularly in 1905, three years after its invention, the year Einstein published his most notable papers.