Fort O'Brien State Historic Site [ME]


Fort O'Brien (Fort Machias) was built in 1775 and destroyed by the British in the same year. This state historic site is one of few Maine forts active during three wars—the American Revolution, the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Fort O'Brien's layout was altered several times over the 90 years it was active on this site; but the fort's important role in protecting the Machias River and its towns remained unchanged. It was refortified in 1777 and destroyed once again by the British in 1814. Well-preserved earthworks which overlook Machias Bay were erected for a battery of guns in 1863. The first naval engagement of the Revolution was fought offshore in 1775, five days before the Battle at Bunker Hill.

The site is open to the public.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Fort Halifax State Historic Site [ME]


The oldest blockhouse in the United States is all that remains of Fort Halifax at the confluence of the Kennebec and Sebasticook Rivers. English settlers built the fort in 1754 to protect colonial settlements along the Kennebec and it served as a garrison for troops from 1754–1766.

Website does not specify any interpretive services available at the site.

Society for Industrial Archeology, Southern New England Chapter [MA]


Today, the Southern New England Chapter (SNEC) of the Society for Industrial Archeology (SIA) keeps the industrial legacy of this region alive. Through its chapter newsletter, annual conference on New England industrial archeology and exclusive tours of industrial sites—most of them active, working factories otherwise inaccessible to the general public—the Society explores the places, lives, and ideas of the region's industrial heritage.

General interest organization for adults; does not seem to be focused on youth or school education.