Hillborough Historical Society and Franklin Pierce Homestead [NH]


Franklin Pierce (1804–1869), the seventh of nine children, spent a happy childhood in attractive surroundings of gardens and trees. The stately home has spacious rooms with vividly painted walls and exquisite stenciling. The house has a grand ballroom and a parlor decorated with imported French wallpaper—symbols of the elegance of the age.

The house offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.

Old State House Museum [AR]


The Old State House Museum, housed within the 1842 Greek Revival former state capitol building, presents the history of the state of Arkansas and its residents. The structure served as the state capitol until 1911; both a Confederate and Union capitol; a medical school and research site; and a popular campaign site of Bill Clinton (born 1946), 42nd President of the United States. Period rooms include a 1901 through 1906 parlor, 1870 through 1900 parlor, a 1750 through 1800 library, an 1860 through 1870 Rococo Revival parlor, an 1836 through 1860 library, and 1836 through 1885 House of Representatives chamber. Permanent exhibits address 19th- and 20th-century women's lives, the building's construction, Bill Clinton, hands-on 1930s artifacts, early 19th-century life, Arkansas governors and their families, and 1819 through 1919 Arkansas political history.

The museum offers exhibits, period rooms, hourly guided tours, self-guided tours, eight thematic tours for students, outreach programs for students and adults, educational programs for students or adults, living history characters, a summer camp, teacher's workshops, and traveling trunks. Groups of 12 or more must make reservations for guided tours. Living history characters can be scheduled into tours with advance notice. The website offers virtual exhibits, lesson plans, activities, games, and crosswords.

South Carolina State House


The South Carolina State House has been the site of the South Carolina state legislature since 1907. Construction of the structure itself began in 1857 but was delayed by both architect fraud and the Civil War. Visitors are welcome both on days when the legislative body is in session and when it is not. Each offers a different site experience.

The site offers a 15-minute introductory film and guided tours. Reservations are recommended for group visits.

Strawberry Banke Museum [NH]


The Strawberry Banke Museum is a living history museum of one of New Hampshire’s oldest neighborhoods and its history that dates back to the 1600's. The outdoor museum contains 42 historic buildings, the earliest build in 1695, and many contain live demonstrations of craftsmanship, cooking, and other forms of daily life at work.

School groups can tour the neighborhood on their own and partake in a Time Travel Workshop that includes hands-on activities lasting about 90 minutes on a specific, curriculum-based topic. Other programs on architecture, archeology, cooking, Early America, Trade and Maritime history, and the Industrial revolution meet New Hampshire education standards for many grade levels. The site also offers programs for home-schoolers and holiday programs.

James K. Polk Home [TN]


Built in 1816 for James K. Polk's father, Samuel, this Federal-style house is the only surviving home of America's 11th President. James K. Polk lived here with his parents from 1818 to 1824, when he began his legal and political career. His rise to national prominence included serving as governor of Tennessee from 1839 to 1841, and culminated in 1844, when he was elected as a "darkhorse" Democratic candidate for the Presidency. He died of cholera in Nashville at age 53 on June 15, 1849, three months after stepping down from the White House. Today, the James K. Polk ancestral home is a Presidential historic site that displays original Polk belongings, such as furnishings, documents, White House artifacts, and political memorabilia. The site also features the adjacent Sisters' House museum, a reconstructed 19th-century kitchen building, and formal gardens.

A second website for the home can be found here.

The home offers a short film, exhibits, tours, lectures, educational programs, and demonstrations.

Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village [MI]


The Henry Ford Museum presents U.S. ideas and inventions. Exhibit topics include agriculture; clockwork; automobiles; Presidential limousines; furnishings; manufacturing; jewelry; home appliances; R. Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion House, a 1940s house of the future; aviation; human rights within the United States; silver; pewter; transportation; and 20th-century generations. Collection highlights include Abraham Lincoln's chair from Ford's Theatre, one of George Washington's camp beds, a replica of the Wright brothers' Flyer, the limousine in which John F. Kennedy was assassinated, a Gothic steam engine, and the Goldenrod. The Goldenrod broke world land speed records in 1965. The 80-acre Greenfield Village incorporates 83 historic structures. District themes include the railway, an 1880s working farm, Thomas Alva Edison, home life between the 17th and 20th centuries, historic skills, and the Model T Ford.

The museum offers exhibits, three curriculum-based guided activity programs, one curriculum-based dramatic presentation, and cafes. The village offers exhibits, interactive activities, the opportunity to ride historic vehicles, eight curriculum-based dramatic presentations, a self-guided activity for students, restaurants, and a food stall. The site also offers teacher workshops, a teacher fellow program, summer camps, Scout programs, and a youth mentorship program. Wheelchairs and electric scooters are available for use on site. The village is closed between January and mid-April. The website offers virtual exhibits, teacher's guides, student exploration guides, suggested pre- and post-visit activities, a club for teachers, and audio tour downloads.

Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion Historic Site [NH]


The Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion is the former home of New Hampshire's first royal governor, Benning Wentworth. The rambling, forty-room mansion which overlooks Little Harbor is one of the most outstanding homes remaining from the Colonial era. Its stateliness and impressive interior and furnishings reflect aristocratic life in Portsmouth in the 1700s.

The site offers tours and exhibits.

Wicomico Historical Society and Museums [MD]


The Wicomico Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Wicomico County, Maryland. To this end, the society operates several museums. The Heritage Center is a museum of local history is located within a reproduction 18th-century tobacco barn. Pemberton Hall depicts 1741 daily life. The 1872 Rockawalkin School presents education history. The 1938 Nutters Election House holds Presidential, campaign, and political artifacts.

The Heritage Center, Rockawalkin School, and Nutters Election House offers exhibits. Pemberton Hall offers period rooms and guided tours. These two museum are located within a park which hosts a naturalist who offers educational programs. The election house is open by appointment only.

Bostonian Society and Old State House Museum [MA]


The Bostonian Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Boston, Massachusetts. To this end, the society operates the Old State House Museum. The museum presents information on the Old State House itself, the Boston Massacre, Boston and the Revolutionary War, staff favorite artifacts, and architectural conservation and preservation, among other topics. The Old State House itself was built in 1713 to house local government offices.

The society offers interactive and traditional exhibits, a multimedia presentation, guided student tours, self-guided student tours, an educational program for students, self-guided group tours, guided group tours, wayside historical markers, research library access, research assistance, and teacher workshops. Groups of 10 or more are required to make reservations at least three weeks in advance. The library is open by appointment only. Non-member library use requires payment of a fee, and is limited to two-hour sessions. The museum is not wheelchair accessible. The website offers virtual exhibits, lesson plans, primary documents, pre- and post-visit activities, a scavenger hunt and self-guided tour for use on site, and an online Boston Massacre game.