Sibley House Historic Site [MN]


The Sibley House Historic Site consists of four historical limestone structures, dating to 1825 through 1853 when Mendota, Minnesota was an important player in the U.S. fur trade with the Dakota people. Begun in 1838, the home of Henry Hastings Sibley is the best known of the four. Sibley served as regional manager of the American Fur Company and the first Minnesota governor. Structures accessible to the public include the 1840 home of Jean-Baptiste Faribault, trader and hotelier, and an 1843 fur company cold store.

The site offers tours and period rooms.

USS Potomac - The Presidential Yacht Potomac [CA] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:35

The USS Potomac was built in 1934, and is best known as Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidential yacht. It served this purpose between 1936 and 1945, the year of Roosevelt's death (1882-1945). Today, the vessel serves as an interpretive center focusing on the years of Roosevelt's presidency (1933-1945).

The vessel offers exhibits, a 15-minute film, student educational cruises, two-hour history cruises, guided tours, self-guided tours, and a library with circulating materials. The website offers a gallery of historic photographs. Reservations are required for student cruises.

The Susan B. Anthony House [NY] Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/08/2008 - 13:35

The Susan B. Anthony House presents the life and impact of Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906), one of the strongest voices for women's right to vote, abolition of slavery, and temperance. Anthony was closely involved with the political programs of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass. The structure was Anthony's home between 1866 and 1906 and the site of her 1872 arrest for voting despite her sex. In addition to displaying Anthony's own possessions, the house offers an exhibit on women's suffrage.

The house offer exhibits, period rooms, lectures, tours, and an educational program on women's suffrage which meets state education standards. Groups of more than 12 require reservations.

Thomas Paine National Historical Association [NY]


The Thomas Paine National Historical Association seeks to share the story of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) and gain widespread acknowledgment of Thomas Paine as the primary founder of the United States. The association operates a museum, the Thomas Paine Cottage, and a monument. The cottage once served as Paine's home. Thomas Paine was a pamphleteer and revolutionary, who promoted the concept of human rights and supported both the French and American revolutions. Although he supported the French Revolution, he did not support the execution of Louis XVI—instead proposing that he be exiled to America, since he had financially aided the United States in the Revolutionary War.

The cottage offers exhibits. The association offers educational programs, public speakers, and presentations.

The museum is currently closed for re-cataloging and preservation.

Jimmy Carter National Historic Site [GA]


The Jimmy Carter National Historic Site permits exploration of the community of Plains, Georgia, which profoundly influenced both Jimmy Carter (born 1924) and his wife, Rosalynn (born 1927). Notable features of the site include the Plains High School, the Historic District of Plains, the Plains Train Depot, and the Carter Boyhood Farm. The high school serves as a visitor center and includes several restored rooms and exhibits on Carter's life in Plains, education, and career. The depot, formerly Carter's Campaign Headquarters, focuses on the 1976 Presidential Campaign. The farm, restored to its pre-1938 appearance, was Carter's home between the age of 4 and the time he left for college (1928-1941). Jimmy Carter served as the 39th President of the United States (1977-1981) and was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his international humanitarian efforts.

The site offers a guided walking tour, wayside exhibits, and audio narration by Jimmy Carter at the farm; exhibits in the train depot; and a 25-minute introductory video, period rooms, and exhibits in the high school. The website offers historic photographs. Educators are asked to make reservations. The site is willing to schedule guided day programs or self-guided tours for school groups. Field trip options are designed to meet state educational standards. Contact the site for 11 differently themed traveling trunks and teaching resources.

Old State House [CT]


Connecticut's Old State House was built prior to the revolutionary war and served as the state's first capitol from 1797 to 1873. The building has been carefully restored and now is host to a museum of Connecticut state and legislative history.

The Old State House offers audio tours, guided group tours, educational activities, special events, and exhibits on Hartford and Connecticut history. The website offers visitor information and information regarding upcoming events.

Paul Revere House [MA]


The Paul Revere House is located in north Boston and is notable for being the house that Paul Revere left for his famous night ride. The house still stands and is now a national historic landmark.

The house offers guided tours, a variety of field trip programs catered to different grades, two annual exhibits, and special events. The website offers information regarding upcoming events, visitor information, and information for teachers about field trip programs. In order to contact the house via email, use the "contact us" located at the upper right corner of the webpage.

Royal Mausoleum State Monument [HI]


The Royal Mausoleum State Monument is the burial place of royalty of Hawaii's Kamehameha and Kalakaua Dynasties (1810-1872 and 1874-1893 respectively) and their retainers. The Kamehameha Dynasty is known for unifying the islands, creating a constitutional form of government, and granting all Hawaiians religious freedom. The Kalakaua Dynasty saw the end of the Hawaiian monarchy.

The site offers guided tours. Reservations are required for said tours.

Bryant Cottage State Historic Site


Bryant Cottage was built in 1856 by Francis E. Bryant (1818–1889), a friend and political ally of Senator Stephen A. Douglas. According to Bryant family tradition, on the evening of July 29, 1858, Douglas and Abraham Lincoln conferred in the parlor of this house to plan the famous Lincoln-Douglas Debates. The one-story, four-room wood frame cottage has been restored and is interpreted as an example of middle-class life in mid-19th-century Illinois. The furniture on display is of the Renaissance Revival style, appropriate for a small-town family of the mid-19th century.

The site offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.