We the People 101: The Citizen and the Constitution


This Center for Civic Education curriculum provides lessons and activities for grades 4–12. The primary goal of the program is to promote civic awareness and responsibility in students. By emphasizing student involvement and encouraging students to relate important concepts and principles to historical and contemporary situations, it strengthens students' critical thinking and public speaking skills.

Contact name
Castro, Jennifer (email)
Sponsoring Organization
Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education
Phone number
Target Audience
Start Date
Contact Title
Professional Development Manager
Eight and a half hours

White House Fellowships


Founded in 1964, the White House Fellows program is America's most prestigious program for leadership and public service. White House Fellowships offer exceptional young men and women firsthand experience working at the highest levels of the federal government. White House Fellows typically spend a year working as full-time, paid special assistants to senior White House Staff, the Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries and other top-ranking government officials. Fellows also participate in an education program consisting of roundtable discussions with renowned leaders from the private and public sectors, and trips to study U.S. policy in action both domestically and internationally. Fellowships are awarded on a strictly non-partisan basis.

Sponsoring Organization
The White House
Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be U.S. citizens and have completed their undergraduate education and be working in their chosen professions. Employees of the federal government are not eligible unless they are career military personnel. There are no formal age restrictions. However, the fellowship program was created to give selected Americans the experience of government service early in their careers.

Application Deadline
Washington, D.C.

Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Conference


The year 2009 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. As part of the Lincoln Bicentennial celebrations, Harvard University's Houghton Library will cosponsor with the Lincoln Forum and the Lincoln Group of Boston a symposium on "Abraham Lincoln at 200: New Perspectives on His Life and Legacy." The symposium, to be held at Houghton Library and other Harvard University venues will coincide with a major exhibition featuring books, manuscripts, ephemera, and artifacts from Houghton Library's Abraham Lincoln Collection. The symposium will examine or reexamine several aspects of Lincoln's career, such as his views on race and slavery, his role as Commander-in-Chief, his use of the press to shape public opinion, his relationship with Congress and his influence on the legislative process, and his role as a politician and as a party leader. Several prominent Lincoln and Civil War scholars have agreed to participate, including Jean H. Baker, Michael Beschloss, Gabor Boritt, Brian Dirck, David Herbert Donald, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Drew Gilpin Faust, Richard W. Fox, Harold Holzer, John Marszalek, James McPherson, Edna Greene Medford, Matthew Pinsker, Gerald J. Prokopowicz, Craig Symonds, Thomas Turner, Michael Vorenberg, and Frank J. Williams.

Sponsoring Organization
Houghton Library; Lincoln Forum; Lincoln Group of Boston
Cambridge, MA
Start Date
End Date

Conference on Emancipation and Race


The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission and Howard University in Washington will co-produce a conference on Emancipation and Race in the Age of Lincoln. The conference will focus on the international dimension of emancipation and will compare different nations' approaches to the issue of emancipation. The conference coincides with the District of Columbia's Emancipation Day and will feature public evening events.

Sponsoring Organization
Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission; Howard University
Washington, D.C.
Start Date
End Date

The Dominion of New England


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces King James II's actions to gain more control over America by combining the northeast colonies into the Dominion of New England and imposing the Anglican Church on the Americans. The king appointed Edmund Andros as governor, which stirred the contempt of the colonists.

11th Annual Civil War Symposium: Abraham Lincoln as War President


Presentations at this symposium include "The Emancipation Proclamation as a War Measure," "Current Lincoln Scholarship," "Lincoln Records in the National Archives," "Lincoln and the Copperhead Movement in Illinois," and living history reenactors throughout the day.

Sponsoring Organization
First Division Museum
Phone number
1 630-260-8227
Start Date
Course Credit
Teachers can earn 6.25 continuing education credits for this event.
One day

Choices in Little Rock


This workshop will explore the Facing History and Ourselves resource book, Choices in Little Rock—a collection of teaching suggestions, activities, and primary sources that focus on the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. These efforts led to a crisis that historian Taylor Branch once described as "the most severe test of the Constitution since the Civil War." These resources explore a range of civic choices—the decisions people make as citizens in a democracy. Those decisions, both then and now, reveal that democracy is not a product but a work in progress, a work that is shaped in every generation by the choices that people make about themselves and others. In this workshop, participants will consider ways to engage students in the issues raised by this history and its civic implications for their lives today. Choices in Little Rock can be used not only to teach history but also to deepen and enrich a study of civics, government, and literature. Participants will receive the Choices in Little Rock teaching guide, which contains suggestions for lesson plans, reproducible readings, and copies of documents for students to analyze. Attending this workshop will also make teachers part of the Facing History and Ourselves Educator Network. This entitles them to free borrowing from FH's extensive Lending Library, full access to all of FH's Educator Resources, including lessons, teaching strategies, online modules, discussion forums, and more, as well as ongoing personalized curricular support from a Facing History staff member.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Two days
End Date

One-Day Literacy and Language Arts Workshop


This workshop will introduce two Holocaust related books: Anton the Dove Fancier and Parallel Journeys. In addition to connecting the content of these books to the Facing History themes of identity, membership, and conformity, facilitators will demonstrate concrete literacy strategies which teachers can implement in their classrooms.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven hours

Rescue, Resistance, and the Holocaust


In conjunction with Facing History's content and themes of rescue during the Holocaust, participants will deepen their understanding of the ways one person can make a difference. The workshop will feature the documentary Blessed is the Match, one of Facing History's latest resources that tells the story of Hannah Senesh, the World War II-era poet and diarist who became a soldier, martyr, and national heroine in Israel.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Six hours