My Favorite Things: Papier-Mache Model of Franklin D. Roosevelt


Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library Director Cynthia Koch talks about a nine-foot papier-mache caricature of President Roosevelt displayed at a Gridiron Club Dinner. She then goes on to describe FDR's election to a third term in office and his struggle to be paired with the vice president of his choice.

To view this video, scroll to "Cynthia Koch," and select "Play."

My Favorite Things: Saigon Staircase


Ford Presidential Library Director Elaine Didier describes an artifact in the collection of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library: the staircase by which U.S. citizens and individuals loyal to the U.S. climbed to helicopters to escape Saigon during the last days of the city's fall to anti-U.S. forces. She also describes the process by which the library acquired the staircase.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to "Elaine Didier."

My Favorite Things: Ready Room Chair from the USS San Jacinto and Painting from Violeta Chamorro


Director of the Bush Presidential Library Warren Finch describes his two favorite items in the library's collection: a ready-room chair from the World War II aircraft carrier USS San Jacinto; on which George Bush, Sr. served and a rock painting of Managua, Nicaragua, gifted to the library by Violeta Chamorro.

To watch this clip, scroll to "Warren Finch" under "Presentation: My Favorite Things," and select "Play."