Lincoln's Ambitions and Attitudes Toward Frontier Life


Gerald Prokopowicz of the Lincoln Museum considers reasons Abraham Lincoln may have left rural frontier life for law and politics, including the influence of his female family members and a possible near-religious sense of being called to do great deeds.

To listen to this lecture, select "Lincoln's Ambitions and Attitudes Toward Frontier Life" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Abraham Lincoln and the Roots of the Abolitionist Movement


Eric Foner of Columbia University discusses the religious base of many abolitionists' beliefs; and contrasts it to Lincoln's antislavery position, based on concepts from the Declaration of Independence and the idea of free labor.

To listen to this clip, scroll to "Abraham Lincoln and the Roots of the Abolitionist Movement" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Lincoln's Religious Beliefs


John Mack Faragher of Yale University describes the religious environment in central Illinois during Abraham Lincoln's lifetime, focusing on the importance of church involvement to communities.

To view this clip, select "Lincoln's Religious Beliefs" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Interpreting Hoodoo Artifacts: The Archaeological Search


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the hoodoo artifacts found at the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the artifacts represent. Leone discusses the significance of the artifacts, as the first discovery of a hoodoo cache in the area, and the later discovery of caches elsewhere dating up to the 1920s.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Interpreting Hoodoo Artifacts: Hoodoo Beliefs


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the hoodoo artifacts found at the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the artifacts represent. Leone discusses the system of hoodoo and the use of the artifacts in hoodoo to direct the spirits of the dead.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Interpreting Hoodoo Artifacts: African Heritage


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the hoodoo artifacts found at the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the artifacts represent. Leone discusses the system of hoodoo and the uses of the artifacts in hoodoo.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Hoodoo Tradition in Annapolis: Thresholds


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the house represents. Leone focuses on the hoodoo artifacts uncovered at thresholds in the building.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Hoodoo Tradition in Annapolis: Living Quarters


Historian Mark P. Leone looks at the slave quarters of the Annapolis home of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and to the coming-together of the lives of the Founding Fathers and their African and African American slaves that the house represents. Leone focuses on the hoodoo artifacts uncovered in the slave quarters.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Mark P. Leone." Choose one of the two Windows Media options.