Fort Laurens [OH]


Named in honor of Henry Laurens, then president of the Continental Congress, Fort Laurens was built in 1778 in an ill-fated campaign to attack the British at Detroit. Supplying this wilderness outpost was its downfall, as its starving garrison survived on boiled moccasins and withstood a month-long siege by British-led Indians. The fort was abandoned in 1779. Today, only the outline of the fort remains, but a small museum commemorates the frontier soldier, presents a video giving the fort's history, and displays archaeological artifacts from the fort's excavation. The large park surrounding the museum is the location for periodic military reenactments. The remains of the soldiers who died defending the fort are buried in a crypt in the museum wall and at the Tomb of the Unknown Patriot of the American Revolution.

A second website covering the site, the Friends of Fort Laurens website, can be found here.

The site offers a short film; exhibits; and occasional recreational and educational events, including living history events.

Fort Jefferson and Monument [OH]


Fort Jefferson Park and Monument mark the site of an advance outpost of General Arthur St. Clair, built in October 1791. It was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State. One of a chain of defensive forts built to protect army supplies from Indians, it served as a supply base throughout the campaigns of General St. Clair and General Anthony Wayne. It was abandoned in 1796. The monument is made of faced granite field boulders, six feet square and 20 feet tall. No part of the fort remains.

The site is open to the public.

Toltec Mounds Archaeological State Park [AR]


Arkansas's tallest remaining prehistoric Native American Indian burial mounds are preserved at this National Historic Landmark site. These earthworks are the remains of a large ceremonial complex that was inhabited here from A.D. 600 to 1050. Visitors can tour the visitor center and see exhibits and audiovisual programs, and then take a walking tour of the mound site.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, workshops, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Hampson Archaeological Museum State Park [AR]


The James K. Hampson Collection presents an amazing look at the decorative arts of the late Mississippian people from the Nodena Site. Notable pieces include a large collection of the famed "Nodena Red and White" pottery, Nodena type site points, and a variety of effigy vessels, including a remarkable human head effigy.

The site offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events.

Parkin Archaeological State Park [AR]


The Park preserves and interprets the Parkin site on the St. Francis River where a 17-acre Mississippi Period American Indian village was located from A.D. 1000 to 1550. A large platform mound on the river bank remains. There were once many archaeological sites similar to Parkin throughout this region, but they did not survive as eastern Arkansas was settled. Visitors can watch research in progress, and see firsthand the results of careful excavations and laboratory analysis. Along with including an archaeological research laboratory, the park visitor center includes an interpretive exhibit area and auditorium. The park interpretive staff offers audiovisual programs, site tours, workshops, and other educational programs and special events and activities. When archaeological excavations are underway, visitors on guided tours can observe them. Visitors experiencing Parkin Archeological State Park can also tour the circa 1910 Northern Ohio Schoolhouse. By the beginning of World War II, there were 15 one-room and two-room schoolhouses providing education for children in Parkin, a town of less than 2,000 citizens. Today, the Northern Ohio School is the only one of these early Parkin structures still standing. The stories it tells of what took place here in the early 20th century in and around the Sawdust Hill community are parts of the historic fabric of Parkin, just as is the park’s interpretation of the prehistoric village of Casqui.

The site offers exhibits, tours, workshops, and educational and recreational programs and events.

Felix Vallé House State Historic Site [MO]


The Felix Vallé State Historic Site is designed to offer visitors a rare glimpse of Missouri's French colonial past. From the historic site's website, "The site features the Felix Vallé House built in 1818 as an American-Federal style residence and mercantile store. Restored and furnished to reflect the 1830s, the home today interprets the American influence on the French community following the Louisiana Purchase." In addition to the Felix Vallé House, the historic site also features the Benjamin Shaw house and the 1792 Bauvais-Amoureux House.

The State Historic Site offers guided tours and interpretive activities, and serves as the headquarters for the Historic Preservation Field School. The website offers visitor information as well as a brief history of the site.

Boone's Lick State Historic Site [MO]


In 1804, Lewis and Clark reported the presence of many saltwater springs in the area that now comprises Howard, Cooper, and Saline counties. The largest of these salt springs was the Boone's Lick. The area around this spring was ideal for settlement and for many years "Boone's Lick Country" was a primary destination for pioneers moving west. Nathan and Daniel Morgan Boone, sons of famous frontiersman Daniel Boone, formed a partnership with James and Jesse Morrison in 1805 to produce salt. Brine water was poured into iron kettles and heated to boiling on a stone furnace. As the water evaporated, salt crystallized in the bottom of the kettle. The salt was shipped by keelboat on the Missouri River to St. Louis. Salt, which was indispensable at the time for preserving meat and tanning hides, was produced at the site until approximately 1833. Today, the 52-acre site features picnic facilities and a short trail that winds its way to the spring site, where wood remnants of the salt works and an iron kettle are still visible. Outdoor exhibits interpret this unique saltwater environment and center of frontier industry. Artifacts from the salt manufacturing industry were excavated at the site, and some are on display at the Arrow Rock State Historic Site visitor center in Arrow Rock.

The site offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events.

Fort Matanzas National Monument


Coastal Florida was a major field of conflict as European nations fought for control in the New World. As part of this struggle, Fort Matanzas guarded St. Augustine's southern river approach. The colonial wars are over, but the monument is still protecting—not just the historic fort, but also the wild barrier island and the plants and animals who survive there amidst a sea of modern development.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, demonstrations, educational programs, and recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Fort Bowie National Historic Site [AZ]


Fort Bowie commemorates the bitter conflict between Chiricahua Apaches and the U.S. military—a lasting monument to the bravery and endurance of U.S. soldiers in paving the way for settlement and the taming of the western frontier. It provides insight into a "clash of cultures," a young nation in pursuit of "manifest destiny," and the hunter-gatherer society fighting to preserve its existence.

The site offers exhibits and tours.

Wupatki National Monument [AZ]


Less than 800 years ago, Wupatki Pueblo was the largest pueblo around. It flourished for a time as a meeting place of different cultures. Yet this was one of the warmest and driest places on the Colorado Plateau, offering little obvious food, water, or comfort. How and why did people live here? The builders of Wupatki and nearby pueblos have moved on, but their legacy remains.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.