Florida Council for the Social Studies Teaching American History Award


The purpose of this award is to recognize and celebrate a Florida teacher of history who encourages an appreciation and respect for history, involves students in the historical process, and evidences mastery of the subject matter.

Sponsoring Organization
Pearson Prentice Hall; Florida Council for the Social Studies
Eligibility Requirements

The applicant must currently be teaching history in a Florida elementary, middle, or high school. The winner must be available to attend both the annual conference and awards dinner.

Application Deadline
Award Amount
$500 cash prize, free annual conference registration, and publication of lesson plan in Trends and Issues.

Annual Florida Council for the Social Studies Conference


This conference's theme is "Literate Citizens Vote!" The conference will feature more than 70 breakout sessions, several pre-conference workshops, and more than 40 exhibitors.

Sponsoring Organization
Florida Council for the Social Studies
Contact email
St. Petersburg, FL
Contact name
Egolf, Ralph
Contact Title
Conference Coordinator
Phone number
1 727-822-0041
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline

Georgia Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference


At this conference, educators can choose from 105 sessions and workshops at all grade levels, addressing topics including economics; world and U.S. history; geography and global studies; educational technology/new media; literacy, literature, and reading; leadership; government; performance-based instruction for learning; methods and materials; Georgia studies; research in social studies; and assessment.

Sponsoring Organization
Georgia Council for the Social Studies
Athens, GA
Contact name
Sloan, Diane
Phone number
1 404-261-5763
Start Date
End Date
Registration Deadline

Annual Meeting of Virginia Social Studies Educators


This year's theme is "21st-century Virginia: A Time of Change." The theme reflects educators are about in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It allows the conference to offer a variety of topics which will reflect a focus on the breadth of Virginian heritage and the unique position of Virginia's founding and development as a society. The conference will offer sessions on a variety of topics of interest to Virginia's social studies educators.

Sponsoring Organization
Virginia Council for the Social Studies
Richmond, VA
Contact name
Neylan, Diane
Phone number
1 804-747-9608
Start Date
End Date

Allstate Community Conversation


Facing History is excited to present its first community event in Chattanooga featuring author and concert pianist Mona Golabek. Golabek is an internationally acclaimed concert pianist, the host of a syndicated classical music radio show, and the author of The Children of Willesden Lane, the story of her mother's rescue from Nazi-occupied Austria on a Kindertransport and her teenage years as a refugee. Through a powerful musical and narrative performance, Ms. Golabek will relate her family history and address Facing History themes of identity, participation, courage, and resilience.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Start Date
Two hours

Choices in Little Rock


This workshop will explore the Facing History and Ourselves resource book, Choices in Little Rock—a collection of teaching suggestions, activities, and primary sources that focus on the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. These efforts led to a crisis that historian Taylor Branch once described as "the most severe test of the Constitution since the Civil War." These resources explore a range of civic choices—the decisions people make as citizens in a democracy. Those decisions, both then and now, reveal that democracy is not a product but a work in progress, a work that is shaped in every generation by the choices that people make about themselves and others. In this workshop, participants will consider ways to engage students in the issues raised by this history and its civic implications for their lives today. Choices in Little Rock can be used not only to teach history but also to deepen and enrich a study of civics, government, and literature. Participants will receive the Choices in Little Rock teaching guide, which contains suggestions for lesson plans, reproducible readings, and copies of documents for students to analyze. Attending this workshop will also make teachers part of the Facing History and Ourselves Educator Network. This entitles them to free borrowing from FH's extensive Lending Library, full access to all of FH's Educator Resources, including lessons, teaching strategies, online modules, discussion forums, and more, as well as ongoing personalized curricular support from a Facing History staff member.

Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Two days
End Date

Memphis City Middle School Exploratory Teachers Two-Day Workshop


This workshop is specially crafted for the needs of Memphis City Schools' middle school exploratory teachers. It will focus on Facing History content and teaching strategies which are developmentally appropriate for the sixth–eight grade student. Time will be provided for experienced Facing History teachers to work with novice ones to share successes and challenges in using the program at the middle-school level.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Six and a half hours
End Date

Becoming American: The Chinese Experience


Bill Moyers's documentary, Becoming American: The Chinese Experience, explores the challenges faced by Chinese Americans from the 1800s to the present and raises questions about the tensions between race, democracy, and citizenship. Participants view excerpts and explore parallels between the Chinese experience and those of other newcomers to the U.S.—what it means to "become American" today.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Five hours

One-Day Literacy and Language Arts Workshop


This workshop will introduce two Holocaust related books: Anton the Dove Fancier and Parallel Journeys. In addition to connecting the content of these books to the Facing History themes of identity, membership, and conformity, facilitators will demonstrate concrete literacy strategies which teachers can implement in their classrooms.

Sponsoring Organization
Facing History and Ourselves
Target Audience
Start Date
Seven hours