History Colloquium: "Frontiers: Homesteaders, Native Americans, Immigrants, and Settling the West"


"An NCHE team of Greg Smoak, David Byrd, and JoAnn Fox will explore the topic of Frontiers: Homesteaders, Native Americans, Immigrants, and Settling the West at this Frontiers of History colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date

History Colloquium: "Abolition and the Emancipation Proclamation and Taking Sides: The Confederacy"


"An NCHE team of Matt Pinsker, Al Jacobs, and Jim McNeill will explore the topic of Abolition and the Emancipation Proclamation and Taking Sides: The Confederacy at this colloquium."

Contact name
Willey, Tiffany
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date

History Colloquium: "The Antebellum Years: Political, Social, and Economic Distinctions between North and South"


"An NCHE team of Matt Pinsker, Al Jacobs, and Gerry Kohler will explore the topic of The Antebellum Years: Political, Social, and Economic Distinctions between North and South at this colloquium."

Contact name
Jakovac, Justin
Sponsoring Organization
National Council for History Education
Phone number
1 440-835-1776
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Three days
End Date

We the People Teacher Institute


"Elementary, middle and high school teachers from across Virginia will travel to James Madison's Montpelier for 3 1/2 days of intensive work with the We the People curriculum. The institute will feature three lectures on content from We the People, work with fellow teachers to ways to implement the curriculum in their classroom and the institute will conclude with the mock congressional hearing."

Contact name
Taylor, Michael
Contact email
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Civic Education
Phone number
1 540-672-2728
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Four days
End Date

We the People Summer Institute for High School Teachers


"We the People institute, a rigorous professional development program, provides teachers the opportunity to work with constitutional scholars from a variety of disciplines. Participants complete academic readings, attend morning lectures and participate in afternoon sessions dedicated to the content and teaching methods appropriate to the We the People curriculum."

Contact name
Desrosiers, Roger
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Civic Education
Target Audience
High School
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Eight days
End Date

We the People Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers


"We the People institute, a rigorous professional development program, provides teachers the opportunity to work with constitutional scholars from a variety of disciplines. Participants complete academic readings, attend morning lectures and participate in afternoon sessions dedicated to the content and teaching methods appropriate to the We the People curriculum."

Contact name
Wilson, Bill
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Civic Education
Target Audience
Middle School
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Nine days
End Date

We the People Summer Institute for Upper Elementary Teachers


"We the People institute, a rigorous professional development program, provides teachers the opportunity to work with constitutional scholars from a variety of disciplines. Participants complete academic readings, attend morning lectures and participate in afternoon sessions dedicated to the content and teaching methods appropriate to the We the People curriculum."

Contact name
Wilson, Bill
Contact email
Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Center for Civic Education
Target Audience
Upper Elementary
Start Date
Not listed
Course Credit
Not listed
Eight days
End Date

The Age of Enterprise


"In the last decades of the 19th Century, the United States took decisive steps away from its rural, agrarian past toward its industrial future, assuming its place among world powers. This course examines that movement, covering such topics as business-labor relations, political corruption, immigration, imperialism, the New South, and segregation and racism."

Registration Deadline
Sponsoring Organization
Ashbrook Center, TeachingAmericanHistory.org
Phone number
1 419-289-5411
Target Audience
Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade
Start Date
None ($500 stipend)
Course Credit
"Teachers may choose to receive two hours of Master's degree credit from Ashland University. This credit can be used toward the new Master of American History and Government offered by Ashland University or may be transfered to another institution. The two credits will cost $440."
Six days
End Date

On Slavery's Borders: Small Slaveholding in Antebellum Missouri


Professor Diane Mutti-Burke "explores the diversity found within Southern plantations by illuminating how region and the size of slaveholding altered slavery. This lecture is part of the Gilder Lehrman Center Brown Bag Lunch Series."

Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition
Phone number
1 203-432-3339
Target Audience
General Public
Start Date
Course Credit
One or two hours

The Nation the Slaveholders Made: Proslavery Americanism in Comparative Perspective


Scholar Robert Bonner "examines a multi-faceted 'proslavery Americanism' that sought to nationalize Southern slaveholding within the late antebellum U.S. before providing a platform for the Confederate departure of the early 1860s. This lecture is part of the Gilder Lehrman Center Brown Bag Lunch Series."

Sponsoring Organization
Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition
Phone number
1 203-432-3339
Target Audience
General Public
Start Date
Course Credit
One or two hours