The Texas Historical Commission


The Texas Historical Commission is a state preservation assistance organization.

The commission website offers lesson plans on the French explorer known by the names René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, and Robert de LaSalle. LaSalle (1643-1687) explored the Great Lakes region, Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi River, claiming the Mississippi basin for France.

There are no interpretive programs or functions offered beyond the Internet.

Fairmount Association [TX]


The Fairmount Association is dedicated to preserving the structures and architecture present in the Fairmount Southside Historic District. The district is home of one of the nation's richest collections of turn of the century housing.

The association offers special events including lectures and receptions as well as an annual home tour. The website offers a history of Fairmount, visitor information, an extensive photo gallery with photographs of homes throughout the district, and information about the home tour.

Preservation organization, does not offer educational interpretative for K–12 students.

Central High School Museum [AR]


In the summer of 1957, the city of Little Rock, Arkansas, decided to desegregate it schools, setting in motion the turn of events that defined the Little Rock Nine, and included protests, marches, riots, and threats of violence. The Central High School Museum chronicles the history of the 1957, the year of desegregation.

The museum offers visitors copies of the 1957 student newspaper, a variety of exhibits showcasing life inside Central High during 1957, and offers videos and other primary sources from the 1957 school year. The website offers a history of desegregation in Little Rock, as well as an events calendar, a timeline of events in 1957, and visitor information.

It looks like this site no longer exists as a visitor's center and is being renovated. Check back on this one.

Louisiana Historical Society [LA]


The Louisiana Historical Society is the oldest such society in the state of Louisiana, having been founded in 1836. The society continues to this day to do its best to preserve and disseminate the history of Louisiana.

The organization sponsors a monthly lecture on a specific topic in Louisiana history, holds symposia on important historical topics, and provides periodic guided overnight tours to historic sites in Louisiana. The website offers information regarding upcoming events, lectures, and tours, as well as a history of the society and links to other Louisiana historical websites.

Does not appear to be affiliated with any specific historic site or educational resources.

Cultural Heritage Museum [NC]


The Cultural Heritage Museum focuses on exploring the history of the more than 200,000 African American soldiers and their 7,000 white officers who fought with the Union forces in the American Civil War, with emphasis on the U.S. Colored troops from North Carolina; it also pays tribute to African American military veterans from all wars; Carl Long and the Negro Baseball League players; local heroes; and African American history in general.

The site offers information about events and the museum.

Museum does not have a website and does not yet appear to have a physical facility open to the public.