Bentonville NC Battlefield


Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston saw an opportunity to at least slow down Gen. William T. Sherman's 60,000-man Union army as it marched through North Carolina in March 1865. The Confederates set a trap for Sherman near the tiny hamlet of Bentonville; but the resulting battle, March 19-21, 1865, turned out to be a decisive Union victory. This audio tour covers the turning points of the battle, the largest fought in North Carolina.

English Settlement


Two dramatically different English settlements, New England in the North and Virginia in the South, develop in the 17th century, beginning a collision of values, cultures, and economies that prevails throughout U.S. history. This presentation explores the founding of these settlements and their development.

To view this video, click the small "VoD" graphic in the left hand column. In the new window, if you cannot see the play button, try clicking near the left corner just under the video.

Preserving the Legacy of the Jefferson School


Dr. Lauranett Lee of the Virginia Historical Society explores ways to use oral history and historic preservation efforts to teach history. She is currently completing a commissioned project for the city of Hopewell in which she documents African American history. She discusses the mechanics of constructing a community history project and its applicability for teachers and students. The second half of the session focused on using the cultural landscape to teach history, including a walking tour of the historic Jefferson School.

To listen to this lecture, select "Podcast" under the September 4th session.

Native American Archaeology, Part Two


Dr. Julie Solometo of James Madison University attempts to reconstruct the lives of Native Americans as they stood on the eve of and during contact with European colonists in North America. She examines particularly the impact of disease and drought on Native Americans and colonists both, and at the collapse of the Powhatan Chiefdom.

To listen to this lecture, select "Part 2" under the April 19th listing.