African American Life in Colonial Monticello: The Dependencies


Dianne Swann-Wright, Director of African American and Special Programs at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, discusses the living quarters of slaves at Monticello, looking particularly at the dependencies in the building, which served the kitchens, and at what life would have been like there.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Dianne Swann-Wright." Choose one of the Windows Media options.

African-American Life in Colonial Monticello: Columns


Dianne Swann-Wright, Director of African-American and Special Programs at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, discusses the columns at Monticello and the life of the slave, Jupiter, who carved them. She also mentions the railings, carved by a slave artisan.

To view this video, select "Scholars," followed by "Dianne Swann-Wright." From there, scroll to the feature, and choose one of the two Windows Media options.

Remembering Jim Crow


For much of the 20th century, African Americans in the South were barred from the voting booth, sent to the back of the bus, and walled off from many of the rights they deserved as American citizens. Until well into the 1960s, segregation was legal. The system was called Jim Crow. In this radio documentary, Americans—black and white—remember life in the Jim Crow times. The documentary is divided into three downloadable sections.

To listen to this documentary, select "Part One," "Part Two," or "Part Three" under "Listen."

North Carolina and the Civil War: Virtual Tour


Historian Tom Belton guides viewers through the North Carolina Museum of History exhibit "North Carolina and the Civil War." Progressing through the war chronologically, Belton describes both military and civilian life in North Carolina during the war, briefly highlighting several of the major battles in which North Carolina was involved. This presentation is divided into 31 short subchapters, which can be accessed separately.