North Carolina State Capitol


This National Historic Landmark is one of the finest and best-preserved examples of the Greek Revival style of architecture in the United States. The Capitol features a domed rotunda and state senate and house chambers, meticulously restored to their 1840 appearance. Its granite walls housed all of North Carolina state government until 1888. The legislature met here until 1961. Today, the governor and his staff still occupy offices in the Capitol.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Jackson County Historical Society and Museums [MO]


The Jackson County Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Jackson County, Missouri. To this end, the society operates a lending library and non-circulating archive; 1859 jail, marshal's home, and museum; and the Harry S Truman Office and Courtroom, where Truman (1884-1972) practiced prior to being elected Senator and 33rd President of the United States. The jail presents local legal and military history between the 1840s and the Civil War.

The society offers circulating library and non-circulating archives access, research assistance, self-guided and guided tours of the jail and marshal's home, exhibits, tours of the office and courtroom, and a 30-minute introductory film in the Truman site. Payment is required for non-member library archives access and research assistance. Reservations are required for library and archives access, guided tours of the jail and marshal's home, and group tours of the office and courtroom. The website offers a teacher's guide for the jail site.

Old State House [DE]


The Georgian-style Old State House, completed in 1791, served as the headquarters of both the Delaware state and Kent County governments. The first floor contains an 18th-century style courtroom, and the second floor presents the former chambers of the state legislature. Artworks displayed include paintings by Denis A. Volozan (1765-1820) and Thomas Sully (1783-1872).

The house offers tours. Reservations are required for large groups.

Franklin County Historical Society and Museum [Virginia]


The Society was chartered by the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1968 for the stated purpose of collecting and preserving the history of Franklin County, VA. To that end, it offers memberships to the general public to encourage interest in local history. It also operates a history museum and research library to provide public access to collected materials.

The museum offers exhibits; the society offers research library access and occasional educational and recreational events.

Banneker-Douglass Museum [MD]


The Banneker-Douglass Museum presents African American history within Maryland. Collections include vernacular artifacts, art from both Maryland and Africa, rare books, and documents.

The museum offers exhibits, guided tours, traveling exhibits, and non-circulating library access. Two weeks advance notice is required for school groups desiring a guided tour.

Historic New Orleans Collection [LA]


The Historic New Orleans Collection, housed in a complex of historic French Quarter structures, is a museum, research center, and publisher. The collection's focus is the history and culture of both New Orleans and the Gulf South. The museum includes the Williams Gallery, which hosts temporary exhibits; Louisiana History Galleries, which depict state history; and a house museum, the Williams House. The Williams House is an Italianate townhouse built in 1889. The interior is interpreted in the style of the mid 20th-century, when General L. Kemper and Leila Williams, who instigated the collection, lived on site. This residence is the only French Quarter home open to the public which contains original furnishings and decorative arts objects. The Williams Research Center provides access to more than 35,000 library items and 350,000 artifacts.

The collection offers exhibits, period rooms, self-guided tours of the Williams Gallery, guided tours of the Louisiana History Galleries and Williams House, guided architectural tours, school tours of the Williams Gallery and Louisiana History Galleries, weekly curatorial talks, collections access, educator training programs, a school program about Creole cuisine history, and outreach presentations for school. Reservations are required for groups of eight or more desiring a guided tour and for school tours. The website offers podcasts and a list of teacher resources available upon request.

Historic Edenton [NC]


Featuring 18th- and early 19th-century history, North Carolina's second oldest town Edenton was one of the fledgling nation's chief political, cultural, and commercial centers. The state's first colonial capital, it was established in the late 17th century and incorporated in 1722. Once its second largest port, Edenton provided slaves with a means of escape via the Maritime Underground Railroad before Emancipation. Today it features an extensive historic district with architectural styles spanning 250 years, such as the 1767 Chowan County Courthouse National Historic Landmark. Tours include historic sites such as the 1736 St. Paul's Church; the 1758 Cupola House; the 1782 Barker House; the Courthouse; and the 1773 James Iredell House.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Tobacco Farm Life Museum [NC]


The Tobacco Farm Life Museum provides an authentic and interesting view into the lives of turn of the century tobacco farmers in eastern North Carolina. The site focuses on daily life and farming techniques of the early 20th century.

Several types of educational tours appropriate for all grade levels are offered, including a candle-making tour, a butter-churning tour, etc. Teacher resources for pre- and post-visit are also offered to accompany your visit.

Historic Camden Revolutionary War Site [SC]


The Historic Camden Revolutionary War Site commemorates the site of a British outpost during the revolutionary war and was also the site of one of the worst American defeats during the war. The park offers an impressive variety of activities for visitors, and is home to six historic structures, all of which are open to the public and offer exhibits and/or period rooms.

The park offers exhibits, guided tours, special events such as re-enactments and workshops, and hiking trails. The website offers visitor information, historical information regarding Camden, and a schedule of events.

Marble Valley Historical Society and Museums [GA]


The Marble Valley Historical Society seeks to preserve and share the history of Pickens County, Georgia. To this end, the society operates two historical structures, the Old Pickens County Jail and the Kirby-Quinton Mountain Heritage Cabin. The jail, used between 1906 and 1982, now holds exhibits on county history and law enforcement. The cabin was built in 1975 using logs from an older structure. The interior is styled in antique furnishings and decorative arts.

The society offers exhibits, period rooms, and tours. Tours of the jail and cabin are available by appointment.