Union County Historical Society [OR]


The purpose of Society is to investigate historical events and record the facts concerning same; to secure biographical sketches of people who have taken part in the development of Union County, Oregon; to collect facts and recollections of incidents of past times; to secure and file records, documents, and written and printed histories of earlier settlers and times of the county; to establish the location of historic spots; to erect markers and monuments; and to rent, lease, erect, or purchase and maintain suitable places for filing, displaying, and preserving the records, files, and property placed in the care of the Society for preservation.

Does not appear to be affiliated with any specific historical sites.

Wells Fargo History Museums [Multiple]


Over 150 years ago, Henry Wells and William G. Fargo founded a company that has gone on to become one of the largest financial services companies in the U.S. Today, it operates museum exhibits detailing U.S. history and the company's history at twelve of its offices: Fort Wayne, Indiana; Denver, CO; Tucson, AZ; Omaha, NE; Waco, TX; Astoria and La Grande, OR; and Seattle, WA. It also runs full museums documenting U.S. and company history in Portland, OR; Anchoraga, AK; Minneapolis, MN; Phoenix, AZ; and San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, and Los Angeles, CA.

The site offers exhibits, tours, and educational programs.

Fort Clark Trading Post State Historic Site


Fort Clark Trading Post State Historic Site is one of the most important archaeological sites in the state because of its well-preserved record of the fur trade and of personal tragedy. More than 150 years ago, it was the scene of devastating smallpox and cholera epidemics that decimated most of the inhabitants of a Mandan and later an Arikara Indian village. The archaeological remains of the large earthlodge village, cemetery, and two fur trade posts (Fort Clark Trading Post and Primeau's Post) are protected at the site, located one and one-quarter mile west of the town of Fort Clark, Mercer County.

Site may not offer any interpretative services beyond a self-guided tour and signage.

Center for Fort Preservation and Tourism


The missions of the CFPT are to provide a resource where all interested persons can find information related to historic fortifications, to encourage the restoration and redevelopment of historic fortifications as living museums and places of public recreation, to encourage the study of the science of fortification with a view as to how it has influenced today's architecture and engineering, and to inform the public as to both the direct and indirect influence fortifications have played in their lives.

Appears to be an individual's website, not an official organization.

Morgan County Historical Society


The Society, located in the Centennial Library, seeks to preserve the historical record of Morgan County and its people. The primary function of the Society is to research, discover, collect, and assemble any materials or information which may help establish, interpret, and illustrate the history of Morgan County. The Society collects and preserves biographies, journals, diaries, histories, photographs, and germane materials in its archives. All of these materials are available to the public.

Does not appear to be associated with any specific museums or historical sites.