Flag House and Star-spangled Banner Museum [MD]


At the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House, visitors take part in an interactive experience in which they become part in the story of the sewing of the flag that inspired the National Anthem. They step into living history as they meet Mary Pickersgill, the spirited woman who made the flag. They learn firsthand from Mary, her family, and friends what life was like in the 19th century and take part in activities that let them experience it for themselves.

The house offers exhibits, tours, demonstrations, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Association for the Preservation of Historic Natchitoches, Melrose Plantation, and Kate Chopin House [LA]


The Association for Preservation of Historic Natchitoches seeks to preserve areas of historic value in the oldest settlement in the Louisiana Purchase Territory. The Association maintains the Melrose Plantation and the Kate Chopin House. The Melrose story begins with Marie Therese Coincoin, a slave born in 1742; she was eventually she sold to a Frenchmen, Claude Thomas Pierre Metoyer. In time, Metoyer freed Marie Therese and 10 Franco-African children. Evidence points to Metoyer as the father of these children. Marie Therese and son Louis Metoyer received large grants of land including the present Melrose Plantation. This Creole-style home celebrates its most famous resident, Kate Chopin, and its original inhabitant, Alexis Cloutier. Built by slave labor between 1805 and 1809, the structure exemplifies the early 19th-century homes of the area.

The association offers occasional recreational and educational events; the plantation offers tours; the house offers exhibits and tours.

California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts


The California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts preserves, presents, and creates California history. The Museum brings the state's rich and diverse history alive through the extraordinary collection of the California State Archives and other collections throughout the state. For the first time, California's women have a home for their stories in a museum about California history. The California Museum also promotes the state's artistic and cultural heritage. Here visitors will find an active, engaging center that serves as a bridge from the past to the future.

The site offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, and occasional educational and recreational events.

Sewall-Belmont House and Museum [DC]


The Sewall-Belmont House and Museum explores the evolving role of women and their contributions to society through the continuing, and often untold, story of women's pursuit for equality. The museum is the headquarters of the historic National Woman's Party and was the Washington home of its founder and Equal Rights Amendment author Alice Paul. Sewall-Belmont, named in the first Save America's Treasures legislation, is the only museum in the nation's capital dedicated to preserving and showcasing a crucial piece of our history—the fight for the American woman's right to vote. This struggle is documented through one of the most significant collections in the country focused on the suffrage and equal rights movements.

The museum offers a short film, exhibits, tours, educational programs, forums, and research library access.

Darnall's Chance House Museum [MD]


Darnall's Chance House Museum is dedicated to the interpretation and study of the history and culture of 18th-century Prince George's County, MD, with special emphasis on the lives of mid-18th-century women. The Museum interprets the story of the widow Lettice Wardrop Thomson Sim, who lived at Darnall's Chance in the decades just prior to the American Revolution. The house and grounds reflect 1760, the year Lettice Wardrop's first husband died and a room by room inventory was taken of the contents of the house. Darnall's Chance also strives to accurately reflect the African-American community on the site and town life in mid-18th-century Upper Marlboro, MD.

The site offers tours, educational programs, and occasional educational and recreational events.

Harriet Tubman Home [NY]


The Harriet Tubman Home preserves the legacy of "the Moses of Her People" in the place where she lived and died in freedom. The site is located on 26 acres of land in Auburn, New York, and is owned and operated by the AME Zion Church. It includes four buildings, two of which were used by Harriet Tubman. Some articles of furniture, and a portrait that belonged to Harriet Tubman are now on display in the Home.

The site offers tours and occasional recreational and educational events.

Prudence Crandall Museum


The Museum is housed in the U.S.'s first academy for African-American women, which operated from 1833–1834. The school was run by Prudence Crandall (1803–1890), today designated as Connecticut's state heroine. The museum includes period rooms, changing exhibits, and a small research library.

The museum offers exhibits, research library access, and educational and recreational programs.

Rock Paper Scissors

Ella Gardner

Is the Rochambeau game (rock-paper-scissors) named after the French army general who served during the American Revolution?


Maybe, but in a roundabout way.

You will probably not be surprised to learn that this question is apparently not something that has elicited a lot of serious historical research up to now ("Where do I find historical evidence for a simple game played by children that requires no equipment?" and "Will I hurt my chances for tenure if I spend much time researching such a seemingly trivial subject?"), so I will have to go out on a limb here with my own theory, which is based only on circumstantial evidence. Because this is just my theory, I am going to have to explain how I arrived at it.

Clearing Out the Undergrowth of Misinformation

First, a confession: Although I began playing rock-paper-scissors when I was a child, I had never heard it called "Rochambeau" until you sent in your question. Asking around, however, I discovered that some of my colleagues, raised in various places around the country, had vaguely heard of "Rochambeau," but with some of them I was not able to figure out if they had definitely called the game of rock-paper-scissors "Rochambeau" when they were younger, or whether they had merely watched a certain South Park episode in which Eric Cartman challenged another child to play "Rochambeau," but which he explained as consisting in a kind of duel carried out by kicking each other (Google "Rochambeau" and "South Park" to find a link to the clip, but I hereby give you a "language warning" for this).

Nevertheless, more Googling makes it clear that "Rochambeau," used for rock-paper-scissors, has an older and wider provenance. Mathematicians and evolutionary biologists, for example, who have recently become interested in "multivariant" selection systems over the past 20 years or so, have written about rock-paper-scissors and have typically cited the game as "rock-paper-scissors" and then added "Rochambeau" or "Roshambo" in parentheses after it. So that carries the word back at least a couple of decades.

As an illustration of the severe limits on using Wikipedia for research, the English-language Wikipedia entry on rock-paper-scissors (or rock-scissors-paper, etc.) says that the game is called "Rochambeau" in French. But the French-language Wikipedia entry on the game lists the Francophone countries' names for it as: pierre-feuille-ciseaux, papier-caillou-ciseaux, roche-papier-ciseaux, pierre-papier-ciseaux, and feuille-caillou-ciseaux. It then says that the game is called "Rochambeau" in the United States. I wondered whether "Rochambeau" might be an English-language corruption of a French triplet beginning with "roche" (rock), but I have nothing else to offer in this speculative vein, so this is not part of my theory.

A Historical Connection with Count Rochambeau?

Next up was to consider the alleged connection with the Comte de Rochambeau, the French general who was a hero of the American Revolution.

Over the past decade, rock-paper-scissors has become a quasi-formally organized sport with international tournaments. Two American brothers, Douglas and Graham Walker, organized the World RPS Society, with tournaments, a website, t-shirts, and posters, and they have also published a light-hearted guide to playing "professional" rock-paper-scissors, which includes a brief and half-serious history of the game. Their Official Rock Paper Scissors Strategy Guide (2004) offers one theory about how the game became "synonymous with" the Comte de Rochambeau:

"It is widely believed that an ill-advised throw of Scissors (or Ciseaux) resulted in his being uprooted from his ancestral home to become the marshal of the French forces during the American Revolution. His arrival is widely credited with the introduction of RPS to the United States."

But this is all unlikely. Rochambeau (and Lafayette and other French military officers) were quite eager to come to America to fight with the Americans, and had to resist others' efforts to keep them in France so that their military experience would not be missed there.

Another mention of the supposed historical connection with Rochambeau is in physicist Len Fisher's Rock, Paper, Scissors: Game Theory in Everyday Life (2008):

"George Washington is reputed to have played it with Cornwallis and the Comte de Rochambeau to decide who would be the last to leave Cornwallis's tent after the signing of the British surrender at Yorktown in 1781. (The story goes that Rochambeau won, which is why the game is still called Ro-Sham-Bo in some quarters.)"

But Washington, Rochambeau, and Cornwallis did not negotiate surrender terms together in a tent; nor did they even meet together on that occasion. Cornwallis sent Washington a message under a flag of truce, proposing a cessation of hostilities so that officers appointed by each side could meet and "settle terms of the posts at York and Gloucester." After speaking with his own staff and with Rochambeau and his officers, Washington responded in writing that he wished to see Cornwallis' proposed terms of surrender before he could agree to the talks. Cornwallis sent back another written message to Washington, listing his terms. Washington then decided that he could not accept the terms as written, but that they were enough to begin negotiations, so he agreed to the ceasefire and to send representatives to the Moore house on the York River behind the Americans' lines, where Cornwallis had proposed the meeting take place.

The officers who met for negotiations the following day included Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens, a native South Carolinian, who had previously been Washington's aide-de-camp, and (for Rochambeau) Colonels Louis Marie Antoine vicomte de Noailles (Lafayette's brother-in-law), and Guillaume Jacques Constant Liberge de Granchain. They met with British Lieutenant-Colonel Duridas and Major Ross, one of whom was Cornwallis' aide-de-camp. Negotiations lasted eight hours that day. They were extremely detailed about terms, including even the requirement for the British troops to march out with their colors masked and with their fifers not playing any British or German tunes. A final agreement was reached only during the second session, the following day, on October 19, when the same negotiators returned, having consulted with their superiors. They then brought back the Articles of Capitulation for their commanders to study and to sign "in the trenches." Cornwallis signed for the British side. Generals Washington and Rochambeau, and Admiral de Grasse, gathered elsewhere, signed for the opposing side.

That afternoon, the British forces marched out from where they had been besieged. Cornwallis was not among them. He pleaded illness, and left the formal surrender to Brigadier General Charles O'Hara, who rode up to the allied officers and asked which one was Rochambeau. He was immediately told to surrender to Washington, but when he stopped in front of Washington and offered him Cornwallis' sword, Washington refused, for reasons of military protocol, to receive a sword from the opposing side's subordinate commander. Washington directed him to surrender the sword to his second in command, General Benjamin Lincoln, which he did, and turned and rode away.

None of the details of the surrender or the ceremony itself seem like they would have been left to a game of chance.

I conclude, therefore, that the stories that try to link the game with Rochambeau himself, are likely recent and apocryphal, made up in an ad hoc fashion to give flesh to why the game was called "Rochambeau."

The Odd Lack of Written Evidence

Now we get to the nub of this matter: I did a rather tedious search in online databases of books, periodicals, and newspapers published in America from the 17th- through 19th-century and found absolutely no mention of "Rochambeau" used as the name of a game, or, for that matter, of any mention of Rochambeau playing rock-paper-scissors, or even any mention of the game of rock-paper-scissors itself being played in America at all until well into the 20th century. I certainly do not believe that my search has been exhaustive (many old newspapers are not online, for example), and there was plenty that was written that was never published, but if the game was being played by children of European descent "from time immemorial," it seems odd (but not conclusive) that I have been able to find no one mentioning it in anything published in America for the first several centuries of European presence here, even though the game, by its very nature, is not something on which writers would necessarily have thought to expend much ink, if they deigned to notice it at all.

The absence of any mention of the game does not mean, by the way, that American children did not have hand games for deciding winners or selecting alternatives—"Odds and evens," for example, has a long history in Anglo-American culture (James Boswell mentions it in his Life of Samuel Johnson).

In addition, there is evidence (by way of a conspicuous absence of another order) of American ignorance of the game as late as the turn of the 20th century: Stewart Culin, Director of the Museum of Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania, published Korean Games with Notes on the Corresponding Games of China and Japan in 1895. In it, he described various East Asian hand games, among which was the Japanese game of Janken (or Jankenpon). This was precisely what became our game of rock-paper-scissors, and is most likely its ultimate source, either via Europe or across the Pacific (perhaps through Japanese immigrants to the West Coast). Culin, however, grinds right through his description of it, placing it among his descriptions of the other East Asian hand games to which it is closely related, without ever talking about any game in his own culture, that is, without mentioning anything like, "this is identical to our game of rock-paper-scissors." This too suggests that in fact the game had not yet become a part of American culture by that time.

The Game Appears and Becomes Popular

The first homegrown mention of the game rock-paper-scissors I found is in a compilation of children’s games, Handbook for Recreation Leaders, put together by Ella Gardner, the Government's "play expert" and "recreation specialist" with the Children's Bureau in Washington and first published by the Government Printing Office in 1935. In the 1930s, the Children's Bureau helped organize or participated in many national and international gatherings of child care specialists. Gardner herself was a kind of traveling outreach specialist on the subject of recreation activities.

In the Handbook, the game of rock-paper-scissors is called, precisely, "Rochambeau." Gardner appears to have been fond of team games, so to adapt rock-paper-scissors, her Handbook has the players of each of two teams decide among themselves whether their team will present rock, paper, or scissors. Then, with the two teams facing each other, the captains of each team raise their fisted arms and bring them down in partial steps, each at the same time, saying "Ro," then "cham," and then, on "beau," revealing their sign. The Handbook presents the game along with another, called "Fox, Hunter, Gun," in which foxes defeat hunters, hunters defeat guns, and guns defeat foxes. The signals of that game included simultaneous cries and arm gestures that impersonate the characters.

Soon after the government made the book available to educators, recreation planners, community groups, clubs, and parents around the country, more descriptions of the game began to appear in books, magazines, and newspapers. Bernard Sterling Mason's Social Games for Recreation, for example, published the following year, describes "rock scissors paper." And letters to the children's sections of domestic newspapers began explaining and recommending the game in the late 1930s.

There was an upsurge in the number of mentions of the game after World War II. It was initiated with articles in the Army's Stars and Stripes newspaper, written by army reporters stationed in Japan during the U.S. occupation of the country. The reporters appear to have been unfamiliar with the game from their own childhoods, calling it a kind of "odds and evens." From about that time, the game began being mentioned regularly in books, magazines, and newspapers. Clearly, by then it had become embedded in American culture. Judging by the "documentary" evidence, then, it looks like the game found its way to popularity in America through the combined efforts of Ella Gardner of the Children's Bureau and, later, G.I.s returning from Japan.

My Little Pet Theory

The author of the Children's Bureau handbook, Ella Gardner, was a Washington, D.C. native. The Children's Bureau had been in the Department of Labor, but with the Bureau's large expansion under the New Deal, and especially the Social Security Act of 1935, would soon end up with the Social Security Administration (and later with HEW and its successor, HHS).

At the time the book was published, the Children's Bureau was in the Widner building in Washington, D.C., on Connecticut Avenue. But the government was in the midst of a huge expansion, and was buying and leasing buildings all over downtown, and moving agencies from one place to another. The new Social Security Administration would quickly be moved into an apartment building that had been commandeered by the Government about a block away from the Children's Bureau. This building was the Rochambeau Apartments, at the corner of 17th and K Streets. The building had that name because it faced Lafayette Square, which has a large bronze statue of the Comte de Rochambeau.

The Rochambeau statue had been erected in 1902 and, in 1931, had been the focus of a large celebration of the sesquicentennial of the victory at Yorktown. If the Children's Bureau staff were looking for a ready place to try out games with a group of children, Lafayette Square would have been ideal. And if they were looking for a three-syllable word to hang on the game of rock-paper-scissors, "Rochambeau" would certainly have been near at hand.

But why bother with making up a new name for the game? Well, it was a Japanese game and English-speaking children might have been leery of a name as unfamiliar as "Jankenpon." Diplomatic relations between Japan and the United States were growing quite cool by the mid-1930s, so perhaps the Children's Bureau reduced the "foreign" feeling of the name "Jankenpon" by attaching a foreign name to it that was nevertheless indubitably a "patriotic" one: "Rochambeau."

The upshot is that the name "Rochambeau" does appear to link the game to the French General, but it is likely his statue, not the gentleman himself, that is responsible for the link.

So that is my theory, and I am sticking to it. At least for now. It seems more reasonable than supposing Washington, Cornwallis, and Rochambeau were playing hand games together during the British surrender. However, my theory is based almost entirely on a long chain of guesses and circumstantial evidence. If or when someone runs across some early mention of "Rochambeau" applied to the game, the entire limb I have climbed out on will be sawed off. But for now, that is the best I can come up with.

For more information

Douglas and Graham Walker's World RPS Society
The Straight Dope ("What's the origin of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'?" July 10, 2001).


John E. Ferling, Almost a Miracle: American Victory in the War of Independence, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. pps. 534-539.

Henry P. Johnston, The Yorktown Campaign and the Surrender of Cornwallis, 1781, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1881. pps. 152-158.

Douglas and Graham Walker, The Official Rock Paper Scissors Strategy Guide. New York: Fireside, 2004.

Len Fisher, Rock, Paper, Scissors: Game Theory in Everyday Life. New York: Basic Books, 2008.
Stewart Culin, Korean Games with Notes on the Corresponding Games of China and Japan. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1895.

Ella Gardner, Handbook for Recreation Leaders. Washington, D.C.: Children's Bureau, Government Printing Office, 1935.

Bernard Sterling Mason, Social Games for Recreation. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1935. p. 70.
Iona and Peter Opie, Children's Games in Street and Playground. London: Oxford University Press, London, 1969.

Post-War U.S. Occupation Forces:
"Korean 'Boys' Town'," Stars and Stripes, July 22, 1952.
William B. Colton, "Three Bamboo," Stars and Stripes, September 21, 1954.
Sandy Colton, "Jan-Ken-Pon," Stars and Stripes, August 11, 1956.

On Ella Gardner:
"Need of Playground Instructors is Seen: Supervision as necessary as school program, says Miss Gardner," Washington Post, March 15, 1927.
"2,000 Will Attend Child Conference," Washington Post, August 17, 1930.
"Recreation Series to Open Tomorrow: Many agencies cooperate in work of annual play institute," Washington Post, March 13, 1932.
"Play Institute Set to Start on Tuesday to Run Six Weeks," Washington Post, April 7, 1935.
"Rochambeau's Tenants Gone; U.S. to Move In," Washington Post, December 1, 1935.
"Government Play Expert Starts Trip: Miss Gardner to aid three states plan recreation; will give instruction in communities lacking directors," Washington Post, July 8, 1937.
"U.S. Leaflet to Teach Small Towns to Play," Washington Post, October 18, 1937.
"Ella Gardner's Rites Scheduled Today at 1 O'Clock," Washington Post, April 1, 1942.

Rochambeau statue in Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C.

Photo of Ella Gardner, Washington Post, April 1, 1942.

Worklore: Brooklyn Workers Speak

Photo, Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Construction Workers, 1947

This site explores the work lives of Brooklynites (historic and present) as they made their living in the borough. The site has four main sections: Confronting Racial Bias documents discrimination in the workplace; Women Breaking Barriers examines the ways in which women's work roles changed over the decades; Seeking a Better Life takes a look at the issues facing new immigrants; and Changes in the Workplace discusses challenges such as unemployment and job displacement.

Each section contains an approximately 2,000-word article on its respective topic, photographs, and audio files of people speaking about their various vocations. The site also includes eight help wanted advertisements from the 1850s, 1860s, 1920s, and 1930s.

Visitors should not miss the interactive feature Can You Make Ends Meet?, where they can pick one of four vocations, and see if they can stretch their salary out to adequately include housing, transportation, and entertainment.

Telling Your Story allows visitors to share their own recollections of Brooklyn life. The site includes few primary sources, but the personal stories of Brooklyn workers may be useful to students, teachers, or researchers.

Women of World War II

Poster, date unknown (World War II)

In 1943, at the peak of World War II, the United States military inaugurated the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP, program. The program was designed to bring women pilots into the Air Force in light of the growing shortage of male pilots. More than 1,000 women served in non-combat positions, and eventually flew more than 60 million miles for the war effort. In March 2010, these women received the Congressional gold medal, among the highest civilian honors for courage, service, and dedication.

This website presents more than 250 photographs of women in the service during World War II, including 30 of the WASPs. The Women's Army Corp (WACS), Coast Guard SPARS, Navy WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), Army nurses, and women Marines are also included. There are photographs of nine "notable women," such as Jacqueline Cochran, the founder of the WASPs program, and Lieutenant JG Harriet Ida Pickens and Ensign Frances Wills, the Navy's first African American WAVES officers.

Accompanying these photographs is a selection of close to 100 recruiting posters targeted at women. While other websites document the role of women during World War II, this website stands as one of the largest repositories of contemporary photographs of their military efforts.