Constitutional Convention, Part Four: The End is in Sight


Professor Gordon Lloyd details the final proceedings of the Constitutional Convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution. He looks at the final form of the Constitution agreed upon, the Brearley Committee, the Committee of Style, the convention members who refused to sign the Constitution and their reasons, and Benjamin Franklin's "Rising Star" speech which concluded the Convention. This lecture continues from the lecture "Constitutional Convention, Part Three: The Committee of Detail Report."

A New Birth of Freedom


Professors Mackubin T. Owens and Lucas E. Morel discuss general issues related to the Civil War, including the role of African-American soldiers in the war and the various frameworks in which historians have cast the war since its completion.

Lincoln and Civil Liberties


Professor Mackubin T. Owens looks at Abraham Lincoln's actions as president in relation to civil rights and liberties. Owens considers whether Lincoln abused his presidential powers and deprived citizens of civil liberties without justification or whether his actions were appropriate and justified. He also includes some preliminary discussion of Lincoln's military strategy during the war.

The Election of 1860


Professor Lucas E. Morel looks at the presidential campaign and election of 1860, in which Abraham Lincoln was elected President. The lecture also includes some examination of the 1858 Senate campaign debates between Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas.