The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858


Eric Foner of Columbia University looks at perceptions of the Lincoln-Douglas debates today, in which their significance derives from Lincoln's participation, and contemporary perceptions, in which the debates received attention because Douglas took part.

To listen to this clip, select "The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858" under "Abraham Lincoln's Biography Video."

Reverend C.L. Franklin and Black Political Consciousness: From Mississippi to Detroit


Professor Salvatore Nick reviews the life of C.L. Franklin (1915-1984), African-American Baptist preacher and civil rights activist. Nick looks particularly at the greater social context within which Franklin spoke and worked—that is, the daily experiences of the African American communities to which he spoke and which he spoke for.

Jefferson and Hamilton: Opposed in Death as in Life, Part Two


Professor Stephen Knott explores the lives and beliefs of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton and the conflict between them. He looks at how both men have influenced U.S. history and identity, and how both men have been remembered and what they have symbolized over the course of U.S. history. This lecture continues from the lecture "Jefferson and Hamilton: Opposed in Death as in Life, Part One."

Harry S. Truman and the American People, Part Two: Foreign Policy and Politics


Professor Alonzo Hamby analyzes the life and presidency of Harry Truman, looking at the popular image of him held today and contemporary public reaction to his presidency. Hamby focuses on Truman's foreign policies and decisions, including his decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of World War II and to initiate the Korean War. This lecture continues from the lecture "Harry S. Truman and the American People, Part One: Domestic Issues and Policies."