Scholars in Action: Analyzing a Colonial Newspaper

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Note: Unpublished because content moved to Examples of Historical Thinking section.

Scholars in Action presents case studies that demonstrate how scholars interpret different kinds of historical evidence. This newspaper article was published in the Patriot press in 1775 and describes a political demonstration in Providence, RI, where protesters burned tea and loyalist newspapers.

As opposition to British rule grew in the years leading up to the American Revolution, many people in the colonies were forced to take sides. Popular movements such as the "Sons of Liberty" attracted artisans and laborers who sought broad social and political change. Street actions against the British and their economic interests brought ordinary citizens, including women and youth, into the political arena and often spurred greater militancy and radicalism. By 1775, a number of major political protests and clashes with the British had occurred, including the Stamp Act riots, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party.

On This Day


Colonial Wiliamsburg Librarian Juleigh Clark describes her research into the events described in Revolutionary-War-era newspapers, both in articles and advertisements.

Note: this podcast is no longer available. To view a transcript of the original podcast, click here.

Great Escapes


Tom Hay, site supervisor in the Courthouse-Capitol-Gaol ensemble at Colonial Williamsburg, describes several notable escapes from the Gaol during the colonial era and the Revolutionary War.

Breaking the News in 1900

cartoon of the Yellow Kid

How did the news work in 1900?


In 1900, the news reached the public all in print. The newspapers were at the height of their power and influence. They were inexpensive and ubiquitous throughout the country. It was their Golden Age, before newsreels, commercial radio, television, or the internet. The publishers and editors of the largest metropolitan daily newspapers of that time had enormous political and social influence. They became celebrities in their own right—including men such as Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, and Joseph Medill—who inherited the same notoriety that had attached itself in the preceding generation to Horace Greeley, James Gordon Bennett, and Charles Anderson Dana.

The Newspaper and Newsmagazine Business in 1900

George Rowell's American Newspaper Directory for 1900 and the Pettingill Advertising Agency's National Newspaper Directory and Gazetteer show that about 40 newspapers (at least in their Sunday editions) had a circulation of over 100,000, and that the largest newspapers were generally clustered in New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and St. Louis. Competition for readers (and consequently for advertising revenue), especially among these largest newspapers, was fierce.

Competition for readers (and consequently for advertising revenue), especially among these largest newspapers, was fierce.

Rowell's Directory calculated that there were more than 20,000 different newspapers published in the United States (including dailies, weeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies) in 1900. Rowell's detailed listings show a large number of small newspapers serving even tiny hamlets and rural communities. They also show that a very large proportion of the regular papers clearly labeled themselves politically, either as Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Socialist. There were also many special interest newspapers—published in German or Yiddish or Swedish, for example, or published in quasi-magazine format, perhaps as infrequently as monthly, for such niche markets as women (fashion or homemaking); farmers; gardeners; Sunday School pupils; or members of particular occupations, fraternal or ethnic organizations, or religious denominations. Many of these mixed feature articles with news of the day. Typical of these were Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper and Harper's Magazine.

Cooperation and Competition

In 1900, newspapers shared news with one another. Papers across the country had long had the practice of exchanging copies of their papers by giving subscriptions to the editors of other papers upon request. Editors would scan through all the papers they received and would often clip articles and reprint them in their next editions (most often with attribution). Beginning with the formation of the Associated Press around 1850, newspapers began forming news-gathering cooperatives, whereby stories investigated by and reported in some of the largest newspapers, like The New York Herald and The Chicago Tribune, would be cabled to affiliated newspapers, which would run them simultaneously. By 1900 there were a handful of such cooperatives. Individual newspapers, depending on their financial resources, also had bureaus or single correspondents in cities around the country and abroad, and assigned reporters to travel to cover stories far afield.

Each edition typically operated on a 24-hour news cycle, which may not seem long, but it is leisurely compared to radio and TV news broadcasters.

Many cities were served by at least 2 competing daily newspapers—with the competitors each sympathetic to a different political party or published at the opposite end of the day. Each edition typically operated on a 24-hour news cycle, which may not seem long, but it is leisurely compared to the schedules of radio and TV news broadcasters, or reporters working on internet news sites today, who report and then update stories virtually from the time the news first breaks.

Yellow Journalism

Compared with broadcast journalism—or with the truncated editions of newspapers of today—the news cycle of 1900 often allowed reporters to develop their stories with more background and perspective. Compared to newspapers of the 1850s, however, readers in 1900 often complained of how reporters' and editors' reliance on the constantly chattering telegraph and telephone had seemingly turned the assembled news into a large unfermented mash, where the trivial and the important sat side by side. This had only increased by 1900, and was amplified by a literary fashion, which both affected and was affected by journalistic writing, toward realism and the reporting or muckraking of the corrupt, the sordid, and the everyday. As a result, the tone of the news—or, one might say, the objects that the newspapers felt called upon to report—had begun to change.

The trivial and the important sat side by side.

Joseph Pulitzer at The New York World and William Randolph Hearst at The New York Journal had begun to deploy teams of investigative reporters who tagged along on police calls and interviewed and reported the observations of bystanders and victims. They aggressively pumped witnesses at the scene and followed their own leads into back alleys and to criminal informants, very much in the style of detectives. This was a novel way of getting a news story. Many people felt that a line of propriety was being crossed, although it certainly made "good copy," in the sense that it sold well. Paradoxically, perhaps (because of the assumed moral judgment that motivates such muckraking), newspaper editors and publishers at the time made a point of disavowing any moral dimension to news writing and insisted that they were simply bringing to light things that were hidden.

In 1900, the Spanish-American War had recently ended. It was around that conflict that Pulitzer and Hearst pushed an aggressive array of journalistic tactics to an extreme. The New York Press accused them of what it called "yellow journalism," informally linking their trafficking in exaggeration, rumors, lurid imagery, and sensationalism (as well as clandestine tactics to file stories that bypassed military censors on the telegraph lines) to the mischievous "Yellow Kid" comic character that ran in both papers.


American Newspaper Directory, New York, George P. Rowell, publisher, vol. 32, issue 1 (March 1900).

Arthur Reed Kimball, "The Invasion of Journalism," The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 86, issue 513 (July 1900): 119-125.

National Newspaper Directory and Gazetteer, 1899, Pettingill & Co., Boston and New York.
H. L. Mencken, Newspaper Days, 1899-1906 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996).
Frank Michael O'Brien, The Story of the Sun, New York, 1833-1918 (New York, N.Y.: George H. Doran, 1918).

H. Elton Smith, "Modern Journalism," Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine, San Francisco, vol. 15, issue 89 (May 1890): 474-476.

David R. Spencer, The Yellow Journalism: The Press and America's Emergence as a World Power (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2007).

Grant Squires, "Experiences of a War Censor," The Atlantic Monthly, vol. 83, issue 497 (March 1899): 425-432.

"The mention of Mr. Tagg's name in the social column attracts some gentlemen of the press: Mr. Tagg gracefully submits to an interview," drawing by Charles Dana Gibson, 1903, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.

Joe Jelen: Old Newspapers Find a Home in New Technology

Date Published
Photography, News Boy, 20 Jul 2007, Flickr CC
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Increasingly, people are turning to online outlets for their daily news (see Pew Research Center’s State of the Media Report). In fact, when I watch students interact with newspapers, they almost seem to treat newspapers as quaint. The reality is that newspapers remain great records of history, and today’s newspapers continue to reflect society's concerns and values. Social studies teachers should continue to teach students how newspapers are laid out and how effective news stories are written.

Newspapers of Yesterday

Consider putting an old newspaper in the hands of students. It does not need to be a special newspaper to hold significant information for students to analyze. While it would be neat for students to hold the front page of the Washington Post from the day Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon or Pearl Harbor was attacked, “atmosphere” newspapers can be just as illuminating and cheaper to obtain. An “atmosphere” newspaper can come from the era of World War I, World War II, or the space race, but not have a specific notable headline. These newspapers can be bought online from sites like eBay or online dealers for less than five dollars, more for older newspapers.

Today’s newspapers continue to reflect society's concerns and values.

If laying hands on an actual old newspaper seems unnecessary, there are plenty of sites that will help you find articles related to your desired era of study. Chronicling America is part of the Library of Congress’s collection and contains searchable newspaper pages from 1860 to 1922. The Google News Archive contains a searchable database of many newspapers, largely from the 20th and 21st centuries. Finally, this site contains a great collection of Civil War-era copies of Harper’s Weekly.

In addition, many newspapers like the New York Times maintain a searchable archive of old articles, some viewable for free and others for a fee. However, many of these same types of big newspaper archives can be searched using subscription services from your school library.

Newspapers of Today

While there are lots of ways to use your local newspaper in the classroom, there are a few sites that stand out for bringing newspapers from around the world to your computer. displays a clickable map of available online newspapers from around the world. The site also offers to translate foreign newspapers. I've found that students get a sense of population distribution in the world and language distribution using this map.

The Newseum has a cool map that displays the day’s front pages from around the world. This can provide students an opportunity to see what makes news in different parts of the world and different parts of the United States.

Lesson Ideas

In a history classroom, students could compare a newspaper today with a newspaper from 25, 50, or 100 years ago. This comparison can be a jumping-off point to several important conversations with students, perhaps even ending with predictions of what news will look like 25 years from now. Likely when students compare newspapers of today with newspapers of the past they will find that there was more paper dedicated to a newspaper (paper costs have increased over time, condensing newspaper size). Students will also find more wire stories, more local news, and more color printing in the newspapers of today.

To better understand the past, perhaps students could categorize articles from an old newspaper.

Another lesson idea to help students practice summarizing main ideas is to cover up the headlines of a few articles and have students develop their own. Students can share their headlines aloud or post headlines anonymously on a wall to gauge understanding as a whole class.

To better understand the past, perhaps students could categorize articles from an old newspaper. Students could categorize according to bias vs. unbiased articles (or categorize by different types of bias), or articles dealing with the federal government vs. state government. This largely depends on the lesson objective.

Finally, students could rewrite newspaper articles with new information or using additional eyewitness accounts. By rewriting articles students are forced to detect bias or corroborate additional sources with their assigned newspaper article. For effect, students can create their own newspaper clippings using this site.

Newspapers offer students a unique glimpse into the past and, alongside new technology, offer fun ways to better understand past, present, and future.

For more information

Historian John Buescher has more suggestions for finding archived newspaper articles online, and our Website Reviews can guide you to even more options. Professor John Lee reminds readers that students (and teachers) may have scrapbooked newspaper articles in their homes, as well.

And don't feel limited to the articles! A close reading of a newspaper illustration, photograph, or cartoon can reveal just as much, as 4th-grade teacher Stacy Hoeflich demonstrates.

Just the Facts?: Partisanship and the Press


According to Backstory:

The current era of partisan news and name-calling is enough to make you wonder what happened to good old-fashioned objective reporting. But in this hour, BackStory asks: Where did the idea of media objectivity come from in the first place? Historian Marcus Daniel explains that the bitter rhetoric of editors in the 1790s played a key role in the birth of our democracy. Matthew Goodman tells the story of an elaborate hoax involving “lunar man-bats” in the early days of the penny press. And Michael Kinsley, founder of the online journal Slate, argues that opinion journalism can be more informative than so-called “objective” news.