White House Photographers


A slideshow gives examples of presidential photography by three White House photographers: Cecil Stoughton, photographer for Kennedy and Johnson; David Hume Kennerly, for Ford; and Diana Walker, for Reagan and Bush, Sr. The presentation also includes photo coverage and commentary on other presidents, including Clinton and a discussion with the photographers which follows the slideshow.

Gathland State Park [MD]


Gathland State Park was once the home of George Alfred Townsend, a noted Civil War journalist. Today, it is the site of a unique collection of buildings that Townsend both designed and constructed, some of which have been restored. In addition, the park is home to a monument dedicated to war correspondents and includes part of the the South Mountain battlefield. The Appalachian Trail also traverses the park.

The park offers tours, exhibits, occasional Civil War reenactments, and a variety of outdoor activities including hiking and backpacking. The website offers an events calendar, visitor information, and a history of the park.

Lindy Boggs and Cokie Roberts: Two Generations of an American Political Family


Former Congresswoman Lindy Boggs and her daughter, noted journalist Cokie Roberts, join archivist Allen Weinstein for a conversation about their mother/daughter relationship in an influential political family. Mrs. Boggs served nine terms in the House of Representatives—the first woman elected to the House from that state. She was the first woman to chair a national political convention and the first woman to serve as Ambassador to the Vatican. Mrs. Boggs is the author of Washington Through a Purple Veil.

Cokie Roberts is a political commentator for ABC News covering Congress, politics, and public policy. She has won countless journalistic awards and has been inducted into the Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame. Her books include We Are Our Mothers' Daughters and Founding Mothers.

To listen to this interview, scroll to "Lindy Boggs and Cokie Roberts," and select "Watch the Video."

Standing at Armageddon Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Professor Nell Painter discusses the research that went into the writing of her book Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877-1919. She focuses on grassroots politics and labor movements during this period, and the political reaction to and fear of them.

To view this lecture, scroll to "Nell Painter" under "American History Institute," which is in turn located under "E-Lectures."

Marcus Garvey: Attacking Segregation in the Courts Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:04

Professor Lucas E. Morel reviews the life and views on race relations of Marcus Garvey, examining his political philosophy and its focus on establishing an African nation. Morel also looks at the Brown v. Board of Education case, the landmark Supreme Court Case in the struggle for desegregation.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Wednesday, August fourth, 9:00 am-10:30 am session; and select the corresponding RealAudio link to the left.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.