Marquis de Lafayette Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 01/05/2009 - 17:48

Mark Schneider, a historical interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg, speaks as the Marquis de Lafayette, giving a first-person perspective of this youthful Frenchman whose assistance helped the Patriots win the decisive battle of the Revolutionary War.

Prelude to Victory Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 01/05/2009 - 14:34

Ron Carnegie, who portrays George Washington at Colonial Williamsburg, discusses the American Revolution and the upcoming Siege of Yorktown in character.

Washington as a Symbol


Colonial Williamsburg historian Kevin Kelly discusses the differences between popular perception of George Washington and the actual man, looking particularly at his role in the American Revolution. This interview is accompanied by an image slideshow.

Note: this podcast is no longer available. To view a transcript of the original podcast, click here.

Gen. John J. Pershing Boyhood Home State Historic Site [MO]


One of America's highest ranked military officers, Gen. John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, spent most of his childhood years in the small town of Laclede. Pershing was born Sept. 13, 1860, and moved into the Gothic nine-room house in Laclede with his family at age six. He taught at Prairie Mound School, and in 1886, graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, thus beginning his military career. Between 1886 and his military retirement in 1924, Pershing fought his way up through the military ranks. In 1917, Pershing was sent to France as Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I and two years later was named General of the Armies of the United States by a special act of Congress. Today, visitors can tour Gen. Pershing's boyhood home. A statue of "Black Jack" stands next to the home surrounded by granite tablets naming war veterans. Inside Prairie Mound School, an exhibit gallery allows visitors to walk through the many doorways Gen. Pershing passed through during his childhood life, military career, and numerous accomplishments.

The site offers a short film, exhibits, and tours.

Grant Boyhood Home and Grant Schoolhouse [OH]


The Grant Boyhood Home was the home of Ulysses S. Grant, 18th president of the United States, from 1823, when Grant was one year old, until 1839, when he left to attend West Point. Ulysses Grant lived in this home longer than any other during his lifetime. Jesse and Hanna Grant, the parents of young Hiram Ulysses Grant, built the original two-story brick section of the Grant Boyhood home in 1823, when they moved to Georgetown from Point Pleasant in Clermont County, where Ulysses had been born the year before. Grant attended the Schoolhouse from the ages of about six to 13. The building, built in 1829, consisted of only one room at that time.

The site offers tours.

Bentonville NC Battlefield


Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston saw an opportunity to at least slow down Gen. William T. Sherman's 60,000-man Union army as it marched through North Carolina in March 1865. The Confederates set a trap for Sherman near the tiny hamlet of Bentonville; but the resulting battle, March 19-21, 1865, turned out to be a decisive Union victory. This audio tour covers the turning points of the battle, the largest fought in North Carolina.

Understanding the Battle of Gettysburg Using GIS


Dr. Anne Knowles of Middlebury College answers the question "What could Lee see at Gettysburg?" Dr. Knowles builds two digital terrain models of the battlefield, one from 1996 data derived from aerial photographs, the other based on contour lines extracted from an 1874 map of the battlefield. Using a technique called viewshed analysis, she investigates how lines of sight and real-time geographic information may have influenced commanders' decisions and terrain perceptions. The results suggest that historical maps and evidence from the physical landscape can shed new light on even the most familiar historical subjects.