Beyond the Big Names of the Civil Right Movement Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/22/2008 - 15:20

This iCue Mini-Documentary looks at the lesser-known figures of the Civil Rights Movement. Though Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are the best-known names in the Civil Rights Movement, there were many more largely unknown people vital to the movement.

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The Pullman Strike Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 10/16/2008 - 18:38

This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Pullman Strike. Many railroad workers nationwide joined the Pullman railroad workers in protest, but the strike soon turned violent.

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Jane Addams and Hull House


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces Jane Addams, a wealthy woman who was a pioneer of social reform. She lived and worked in Hull House, a settlement house that assisted poor immigrants with child care and English lessons.

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This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the nativism of the 1840s and 1850s—the fear that the flood of Irish and German immigration would result in immigrants out-breeding, out-voting, and out-working native-born Americans.

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