The Lowell Girls


This iCue Mini-Documentary presents the textile industry in Lowell, MA, as representative of the transition of American girls from the farms to the factories.

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Beyond the Big Names of the Civil Right Movement Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/22/2008 - 15:20

This iCue Mini-Documentary looks at the lesser-known figures of the Civil Rights Movement. Though Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X are the best-known names in the Civil Rights Movement, there were many more largely unknown people vital to the movement.

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Women and the New Deal


Professor Esther Katz of New York University says that the New Deal presented new opportunities for women to organize grassroots movements, but their achievements did not last long beyond the New Deal.

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The Bracero Program


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how temporary workers from Mexico filled huge labor shortages created by World War II and became part of the continuing debate about immigration.

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