National Association for Olmsted Parks


The National Association for Olmsted Parks (NAOP), established in 1980, is a coalition of design and preservation professionals, historic property and park managers, scholars, municipal officials, citizen activists, and representatives of numerous Olmsted organizations around the United States. Its concern is the legacy of landscape work left by Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. and the firm founded by his sons, Olmsted Brothers Landscape Architects (OBLA).

Appears to be an umbrella organization, not affiliated with a specific historic site.

Preservation Maryland


Preservation Maryland is the state's oldest historic preservation organization. Founded in 1931 as the Society for the Preservation of Maryland Antiquities, Preservation Maryland is dedicated to preserving Maryland's historic buildings, neighborhoods, landscapes, and archaeological sites through outreach, funding, and advocacy.

Appears to be a preservation organization, not affiliated with specific historical sites.

Palmetto Conservation Foundation


Operating as a statewide nonprofit organization with offices in Columbia and Spartanburg, the Foundation seeks to build widespread consensus on the most appropriate ways for South Carolina's communities to grow and prosper while maintaining local character and quality of life. The Foundation strives to form community consensus on longterm, sustainable development patterns that can provide lasting benefits for citizens while embracing the need for growth.

Seems to be more a conservation/urban planning organization than individual historic sites. Does offer some educational/interpretation events, though. Appropriate for inclusion?

National Preservation Institute


The National Preservation Institute (NPI) is a nonprofit organization offering specialized information, continuing education, and professional training to those involved in the management, preservation, and stewardship of our cultural heritage. It offers seminars in historic preservation and cultural resource management and serves a broad spectrum of professionals from both the government and private sectors by providing preservation information, knowledge, and skills to train and guide the stewards of the United States' historic and cultural places.

Preservation organization, not an individual historic site.

Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation


Through student/teacher workshops, tours, exhibits, and a variety of educational programs, Landmarks encourages people to notice and appreciate historic buildings, parks, public spaces, bridges, streets, and other assets that make up the city and its neighborhoods and compose the character of the Pittsburgh region. Landmarks works to preserve and restore the area's historical assets and to assist others in doing the same.

The foundation offers courses, tours, and other educational and recreational programs.

Seems to be more a preservation/umbrella organization than individual historical sites.

Preservation Partnership


Preservation Partnership is an architecture firm in Denver, Colorado, specializing in historic preservation. It provides owners of historic properties with design and planning services for rehabilitation, adaptive use, and maintenance, and property management.

Business/organization, not historical site.