Rice Couny Historical Society, Museum, and Alexander Faribault House [MN]


The Society's Rice County Museum of History contains a collection of objects, images, and artifacts ranging from prehistory to the present day. The exhibits are variable, as the Society rotates its collection through its display space. Behind the museum, visitors may explore the Historical Village, including the Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, the 1850s Pleasant Valley School, the 1857 Volg Log Cabin, and the Harvest and Heritage Halls. The Society also maintains and operates the Alexander Faribault House, built in the Greek Revival style in 1853 by Alexander Faribault for a cost of $4,000.00. The Faribault family lived in the house for a few years, moving later to a large brick mansion on the bluffs overlooking the Straight River. The house was used as a civic center and as a private home. Today, the Faribault House displays pieces belonging to the Faribault family and other early settlers.

The museum offers a slide show, exhibits, tours, educational programs, and research library access; the Faribault House offers tours.

Mission Mill Museum [OR]


Mission Mill Museum interprets the history of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill which produced wool products from 1889 to 1962 and represents one of Oregon's earliest and strongest industries. Mission Mill also interprets the history of Jason Lee's Methodist Mission to Oregon which settled in the Willamette Valley in 1834 before the major Oregon Trail migrations. The missionaries brought formal education, industry, and large scale agriculture and advocated for U.S. government in the Oregon country. The Museum preserves Mission houses; an Oregon Trail settler's house; a historic church; and the structures, equipment, and original water-powered turbine of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mill with related artifacts. The museum's two histories are shared with visitors through individual and group tours, interpretation, speakers, living history, children's programs, hands-on activities, and special events.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, workshops, educational programs, and recreational and educational events.

Donner Memorial State Park and Emigrant Trail Museum [CA]


Located in the Sierra Nevada, Donner Memorial State Park offers visitors opportunities for camping, picnicking, boating, fishing, water-skiing, and hiking. Visitors are welcome year-round at the Emigrant Trail Museum and at the Pioneer Monument, built to commemorate those who emigrated to California from the east in the mid-1800s. Included in the museum are displays and information about one of the earliest pioneer wagon trains, the Donner Party, forced by circumstances to camp at the east end of Donner Lake in the winter of 1846—47, resulting in human suffering and loss of life.

The park offers exhibits, tours, and educational and recreational events.

Sacramento Mountains Historical Museum


"Before the turn of the twentieth century, settlers began to flock to the beautiful Sacramento Mountains, encroaching on the Mescalero Apaches who already made their homes in the cool timbers. Some came looking for a better country for permanent settlement. Others were interested in harvesting timber to build a railroad from El Paso to points north. Still others came on holiday, finding respite in the cool breezes and mild temperatures of what the Apaches once termed as Pisacah, 'a place of plenty.'

Come visit the Sacramento Mountains Museum & Pioneer Village and learn the fascinating story of these resilient peoples as they struggled against the elements and against one another to tame the environs and claim a portion of it as their own."

Abbie Gardner Sharp Cabin [IA]


The Cabin stands as the site where 13-year-old Abbie Gardner was an eyewitness to one of the few violent conflicts between European-American settlers and American Indians in Iowa (what became known as the 1857 Spirit Lake Massacre). The cabin has been restored to resemble its approximate 1856 appearance. Nearby are a monument to those killed, a one-acre park, and a visitors center full of artifacts.

The site offers exhibits and tours.

Beluga Point


"The earliest evidence of humans along Turnagain Arm is at Beluga Point, which prehistoric hunters used as a view point to search for Beluga whales and sheep. The first white explorers arrived in 1778 aboard Captain Cook's ships, Discovery and Resolution. Cook sailed up Cook Inlet hoping to find the Northwest Passage, but had to "turn again", leading him to name the water body River Turnagain. In the late 19th century, miners and trappers began traveling into interior Alaska from Whittier and Seward along old trails that soon became established routes with roadhouses. In 1895 prospectors crossed from the south side of Turnagain Arm to the north and searched for gold from Girdwood to Rainbow Creek.

In 1903, the Alaska Central Railway began building a railroad from Seward to Fairbanks, but the company soon went bankrupt. The U.S. Government bought the railroad in 1915 and improved the trail along the arm to handle the horse and wagon traffic needed for railroad construction. The trail was also used to deliver mail between Anchorage and Seward. IN 1917 telegraph lines were laid along the Turnagain "road" and by 1918 the railroad extended from Seward to Anchorage, with flag stops at Bird Creek, Indian, Rainbow and Potter. Remnants of construction camps remain along the trail, but are barely discernible. Part of the original trail was covered by the highway which was completed in 1950 and paved in 1954."

Wayne County Historical Society and Prairie Trails Museum [Iowa]


The Society operates the Prairie Trails Museum. The large main brick building of the Museum houses 25,000 artifacts in five galleries covering over 21,000 square feet and the range of the area's history. The red Heritage Barn contains an extensive collection of early farm artifacts displayed in interpretive exhibits.

The museum offers exhibits, research library access, and occasional recreational and educational events.

Bale Grist Mill State Historic Park [CA]


The Park is the site of a water-powered grist mill that was built in 1846. It was once the center of social activity as Napa Valley settlers gathered to have their corn and wheat ground into meal or flour. The owner of the mill was Dr. Edward Turner Bale. He received the property in a land grant from the Mexican government and lived near the site until his death in 1849. The mill remained in use until the early 1900s. The mill and its 36-foot water wheel are protected as a state historic landmark and have been partially restored. A trail connects the historic park to Bothe-Napa Valley State Park. Additionally, the park includes the site of the first church in the Napa Valley as well as the Pioneer Cemetery.

The park offers exhibits, tours, and demonstrations.

Old Davidsonville State Park [AR]


Established in 1815 on the banks of the Black River, this important frontier town had Arkansas Territory's first post office, courthouse, and land office. When bypassed by the Southwest Trail from St. Louis to Mexico, the town began to fade, and was virtually unoccupied by the 1830s. Because there has since been little disturbance, archaeologists have recently uncovered the town three inches below ground. Finds include corners of buildings, streets, and a volume of artifacts, which are currently at the University of Arkansas being catalogued and preserved.

The site offers exhibits and occasional recreational and educational events.

Fort McKavett State Historic Site [TX]


Originally called Camp San Saba because it overlooks the headwaters of the San Saba River Valley, Fort McKavett State Historic Site was established by five companies of the Eighth Infantry in March 1852 to protect frontier settlers and travelers on Upper El Paso Road. The camp was later renamed for Captain Henry McKavett, killed at the battle of Monterey on Sept. 21, 1846. The fort was abandoned in March 1859 and reoccupied in April 1868. By 1880, the fort was no longer needed and it was again abandoned on June 30, 1883. Gen. William T. Sherman once called Fort McKavett "the prettiest post in Texas."

The site offers tours.