The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire


The fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York City was the deadliest workplace disaster in New York history until 9/11. David Von Drehle, the author of Triangle: The Fire that Changed America, discusses the fire in this segment from the NBC Today Show.

This feature is no longer available.

John Peter Zenger


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces newspaper printer John Peter Zenger, who tested the freedom of the press long before the first amendment was written. He commited sedition against the governor, but he was acquitted by a jury which favored free speech.

This feature is no longer available.

The Erie Canal


This iCue Mini-Documentary introduces the Erie Canal as the technological wonder of its age. Shipping on the canal was three times faster than moving goods on land.

This feature is no longer available.

Organization of American Historians 101st Annual Meeting


The one-hundredth and first annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians is in New York City, March 28-31, answering a call to bring us all together. The last generation or so of scholarship in American history has excavated the experiences and concerns of a wide array of Americans. Our field now advances a far more expansive definition than ever before of what it means to live an American life. We not only know about people of many genders and races, we see class and region as integral dimensions of American identity. Scholars writing in languages other than English and living outside the United States are also valued members of the community of American historians.

Sponsoring Organization
Organization of American Historians
New York, NY
Phone number
1 812-855-7311
Start Date
End Date

Gotham Center for New York City History [NY]


The Gotham Center for New York City History supports scholarly research and other educational initiatives involving the history of New York City.

The center offers history forums. Registration is required for the forums. The website offers substantial resource listings, some specifically for K through 12 teachers; forum podcasts; and a discussion board.

While the site offers resource listings, it does not offer interpretive programming or media intended for a K-12 audience.