Beluga Point


"The earliest evidence of humans along Turnagain Arm is at Beluga Point, which prehistoric hunters used as a view point to search for Beluga whales and sheep. The first white explorers arrived in 1778 aboard Captain Cook's ships, Discovery and Resolution. Cook sailed up Cook Inlet hoping to find the Northwest Passage, but had to "turn again", leading him to name the water body River Turnagain. In the late 19th century, miners and trappers began traveling into interior Alaska from Whittier and Seward along old trails that soon became established routes with roadhouses. In 1895 prospectors crossed from the south side of Turnagain Arm to the north and searched for gold from Girdwood to Rainbow Creek.

In 1903, the Alaska Central Railway began building a railroad from Seward to Fairbanks, but the company soon went bankrupt. The U.S. Government bought the railroad in 1915 and improved the trail along the arm to handle the horse and wagon traffic needed for railroad construction. The trail was also used to deliver mail between Anchorage and Seward. IN 1917 telegraph lines were laid along the Turnagain "road" and by 1918 the railroad extended from Seward to Anchorage, with flag stops at Bird Creek, Indian, Rainbow and Potter. Remnants of construction camps remain along the trail, but are barely discernible. Part of the original trail was covered by the highway which was completed in 1950 and paved in 1954."

California State Railroad Museum


The California State Railroad Museum in Old Sacramento is a tribute to the role of the "iron horse" in connecting California to the rest of the nation. The museum features 21 restored locomotives and cars, some dating back to 1862. There is a full-scale diorama of an 1860s construction site high in the Sierra Nevada as well as a bridge elevated 24 feet above the museum floor.

The museum offers exhibits, train rides, a short film, tours, research library access, educational programs, and recreational and educational events.

Douglas County Historical Society, Museum, and Country School [SD]


The society's museum includes three buildings. The central building is located on the grounds of the Douglas County Courthouse in Armour and originally housed the offices of auditor and register of deeds in 1902. This building was placed on the National Register of Historic Sites in 1976; and exhibits museum collections including clothing, household items, farm tools, office equipment, American Indian artifacts, military items, photographs, and other memorabilia unique to the Douglas County area. In 1981, the Society moved an 1884 country school to county property just east of the museum. It still contains some of its original furnishings along with other school items. Each spring, all second graders in Douglas County are invited to attend "School Days" in the Country School. The third building, known as the "Railroad House," was added in 1988 and is furnished and decorated in the period of the early 1900s. Furnishings include items that were already owned by the museum, as well as items donated and loaned to complete decoration.

The museums offer exhibits and tours.

Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania


The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania houses one of the most significant collections of historic railroad artifacts in the world. Devoted to preserving and interpreting the broad impact of railroad development on society, the Museum displays over 100 locomotives and cars from the mid-19th and 20th centuries, including the priceless Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Collection.

The museum offers exhibits, tours, train rides, educational programs, and occasional recreational and educational events (including living history events).

Liberty State Park and Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal


From 1892 through 1954, the CRRNJ Terminal stood with the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to unfold one of this nation's most dramatic stories: the immigration of northern, southern, and eastern Europeans, among others, into the United States. After being greeted by the Statue of Liberty and processed at Ellis Island, these immigrants purchased tickets and boarded trains at the Terminal to their new homes.

The site offers exhibits, tours, educational programs, workshops, and educational and recreational events.

Pullman State Historic Site


The site preserves surviving portions of the industrial complex developed in the early 1880s by George M. Pullman (1831–1897) to build luxury railroad passenger cars. The site, though under heavy reconstruction, features special interest tours of the factory site and regular temporary exhibits, and participates in or co-hosts a number of special events and cosponsors community programs for all ages and backgrounds.

The site offers research library access, exhibits, tours, lectures, workshops, and other educational and recreational events and programs.

Northwest Franklin County Historical Society and Historic Village and Museum [OH]


The Society owns and maintains the Northwest Franklin County Historical Village and Museum. At the Village, visitors can walk into an 1850 period log cabin and see how people cooked, slept, washed, and entertained themselves; visit the 1890 Grandview School and imagine how it must have been to attend a one-room schoolhouse; visit the 1876 Colwell Church and admire the simple beauty of the worship area and altar; visit one of Hilliard's original train stations built in 1891 and step up to the Chesapeake & Ohio Caboose and see what life was for an early conductor; and walk into an 1870 barn and touch and explore the farm equipment of the period. At the 4,000-square-foot museum, visitors will see a blend of art and history exploring the growth of Northwest Franklin County.

The village and museum offer exhibits and tours; the society offers research library access.

Lehigh Valley Railroad Historical Society and Museum


The Society operates a museum housed inside a wooden New York Central Railroad freight station located along the old "Auburn Road" line in Shortsville, New York. The freight station was built around 1900 and was used as a church and a machine shop before the Society purchased it in October 2001; today, it displays exhibits exploring the history of the Lehigh Valley Railroad.

The museum offers exhibits.

Rail Depot Museum [OR]


The Rail Depot was built in 1882 per the wishes of Captain John Harlow, founder of Troutdale. Today, the depot serves as a rail museum, owned and operated by the Troutdale Historical Society. The Depot is in much the same condition as it was in 1907, when it was rebuilt following a fire.

The Depot offers self-guided tours and a display of railroad artifacts. The website offers a brief history of the Depot, as well as visitor information and a Depot photo gallery that contains 12 photographs of the Depot.