Frederick Douglass's Civil War


Dr. David W. Blight discusses the Civil War from the viewpoint of the abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Blight explores Douglass's relationship with Abraham Lincoln, and the ways in which their perceptions of the Civil War matched and differed.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Monday, June 21st, 2:00 pm-3:30 pm session; and select the corresponding RealAudio link to the left.

Slavery, Antebellum Politics, and Westward Expansion


Professor Lucas E. Morel examines the interrelationship of political decisions and pressures, westward expansion, and the issue of slavery in the antebellum U.S. and how these forces combined to lead to the Civil War.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Monday, June 21st, 10:45 am-12:15 pm session; and select the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

Slavery and the American Founding


Professor Lucas E. Morel looks at the history of slavery in the U.S., examining the Founding Fathers' attitudes towards slavery and the policies on slavery written into the founding documents of the U.S.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Monday, June 21st, 9:00 am-10:30 am session; and select the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

Antebellum America


Professor Mackubin T. Owens traces the flow of antebellum history, up to the Civil War, examining the many changes and pushes for more change that characterized this period.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Sunday, June 20th, 7:15 pm-9:00 pm session; and select either the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

Older versions of this lecture, from newer to older, can be found here and here.

Constitutional Convention III: The Committee of Detail Report


Professor Gordon Lloyd looks at the Constitutional Convention and the debate over what form the new government and its constitution should take. He focuses on the Committee of Detail and the Slave Trade Committee. This lecture continues from the lecture "Constitutional Convention II: The Connecticut Compromise."

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the Tuesday, June 22nd, 4:30 pm-6:00 pm session; and select either the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

The Civil War and the Constitution


Professor Ken Masugi examines the 1856 U.S. Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sandford, in which the slave Dred Scott argued that, as he had lived and worked in both a free state and a free territory, he was now legally free. The case was decided against Scott, ruling that no African American could be a citizen and that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories. Masugi uses the case to look at the Court and Constitution's use and role in the Civil War.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session four, and select the RealAudio link to the left.

The Emancipation Proclamation


Professor Allen Guelzo examines Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, looking critically at its use of language and Lincoln's motivations in writing it.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the guest lecture following session nine, and select the RealAudio link to the left.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

Civil War, Religion, and the Lost Cause


Professor Steven E. Woodworth examines the "Lost Cause" view of the Civil War—as the South as justified in going to war. Woodworth also looks at the religious life and beliefs of Civil-War-era soldiers and civilians and how religion contributed to the war and the perspectives of those waging it. He refers to the film Gods and Generals and scholarly criticism of it.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to the guest lecture after session four, and select the RealAudio link to the left of the text.

Lincoln Over the Years


Professor Mackubin T. Owens looks at perceptions of Abraham Lincoln, both during his presidency and over the course of American history.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session one; and select either the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.

An older version of this lecture can be found here.

Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Part Two


Professor Lucas E. Morel details the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the 1858 campaign for an Illinois seat in the United States Senate. Morel looks at the discussion of slavery in these debates. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Part One."

To listen to this lecture, scroll to session seven, and select the RealAudio image or link in the gray bar to the left of the main body of text.