Slavery and Indentured Servitude


Michael Ray narrates a basic introduction to indentured servitude and slavery in the North American colonies. The presentation looks at the transition from indentured servitude as the most common form of forced labor to the use of African slaves and the development of the slave trade. It includes excerpts from the oral history of a former slave.

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Frederick Douglass, Part Two


Professor Lucas E. Morel examines the life and views of abolitionist Frederick Douglass, especially his views of the U.S. Constitution and of the condition of African Americans and the fight for civil rights both before and after the Civil War, as revealed in his writings and speeches. This lecture continues from the lecture "Frederick Douglass, Part One."



Professor Diana Schaub looks at the views of free blacks (prior to the Civil War and emancipation) who supported emigration of free blacks and freed slaves to Africa or elsewhere away from the U.S. She considers why they believed emigration was the best choice for African Americans.

A New Birth of Freedom


Professors Mackubin T. Owens and Lucas E. Morel discuss Lincoln's second Inaugural Address and his second election as President. They examine what Lincoln's view for the future of the nation was and also discuss the Northern and Southern troops' and generals' views of each other.