The Great Migration


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how, at the outbreak of World War I, industries in the north opened employment to African Americans. They left the south in record numbers for jobs in the north.

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The Indian Wars


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes how the Native Americans fought back throughout the 19th century, as the U.S. Army tried to contain them on smaller and smaller parcels of land.

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Virginians and Indians


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the colony of Jamestown's struggles to survive, as tense relations with local Indians erupt into the First and Second Anglo-Powhatan Wars of the early and mid-1600s.

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Zoot Suit Riots


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes the Zoot Suit Riots, a confrontation between flashy young men who did not serve in the war and those soldiers returning from World War II.

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Andrew Jackson's Indian Policy


This iCue Mini-Documentary describes Andrew Jackson's harsh attitudes against Native Americans, which led to the Indian Removal Act, forcing five eastern Indian tribes onto reservations in Oklahoma. Thousands of Indians died during the journey, which became known as "The Trail of Tears."

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