African-American Voices of the Civil War


Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Charles Fuller discusses his life and motivations as an African-American author. The presentation also includes discussions and performances which bring the testimonies of slaves, soldiers, reporters, and activists from the Civil War to life, focusing on African-American history during the Civil War and African-American memory of the war.

Vietnam War and the Presidency: Media and Public Opinion Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 01/04/2008 - 14:03

A panel including newsanchors Brian Williams and Dan Rather, former correspondent Steve Bell, and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Frances Fitzgerald discusses media coverage of the Vietnam War and public opinion on the war, both during the war and today.

Vietnam War and the Presidency: Lessons Learned


A panel including former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark, Senator Chuck Hagel, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert, NBC newsanchor Brian Williams, and former ambassador to Vietnam and POW Pete Peterson examines perception of the Vietnam War today and what effects the war and perceptions of it have had on the U.S. and continue to have.

Audio and video options are available.

White House Photographers


A slideshow gives examples of presidential photography by three White House photographers: Cecil Stoughton, photographer for Kennedy and Johnson; David Hume Kennerly, for Ford; and Diana Walker, for Reagan and Bush, Sr. The presentation also includes photo coverage and commentary on other presidents, including Clinton and a discussion with the photographers which follows the slideshow.