My Favorite Things: Saigon Staircase


Ford Presidential Library Director Elaine Didier describes an artifact in the collection of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library: the staircase by which U.S. citizens and individuals loyal to the U.S. climbed to helicopters to escape Saigon during the last days of the city's fall to anti-U.S. forces. She also describes the process by which the library acquired the staircase.

To listen to this lecture, scroll to "Elaine Didier."

My Favorite Things: Ready Room Chair from the USS San Jacinto and Painting from Violeta Chamorro


Director of the Bush Presidential Library Warren Finch describes his two favorite items in the library's collection: a ready-room chair from the World War II aircraft carrier USS San Jacinto; on which George Bush, Sr. served and a rock painting of Managua, Nicaragua, gifted to the library by Violeta Chamorro.

To watch this clip, scroll to "Warren Finch" under "Presentation: My Favorite Things," and select "Play."