Lincoln's Biography, Part Six: Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Rise of the Republican Party, 1854-1856


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, examines several years of Abraham Lincoln's life, including his return to politics in reaction to the passing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and his election to the state legislature and resignation to run for the Senate. The lecture describes both Lincoln's and the nation's reactions to the Kansas-Nebraska Act and to the possibility of extending slavery into the territories that it represented. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography, Part Five: Return to the Law, 1850-1853."

To view this documentary, scroll to "Multimedia Slideshows," and select "Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Rise of the Republican Party, 1854-1856."

Lincoln's Biography, Part Five: Return to the Law, 1850-1853


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, examines several years of Abraham Lincoln's life, including the end of his term in Congress, his extended return to the practice of law in Illinois, the death of one son and birth of two others, and his continued program of self-education. The lecture also describes the political condition of the U.S. during these years, including tensions over extension of slavery into the territories. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography, Part Four: Congress and the Mexican War, 1844-1849."

To view this documentary, scroll to "Multimedia Slideshows," and select "Return to the Law, 1850-1853."

Lincoln's Biography, Part Four: Congress and the Mexican War, 1844-1849


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, examines several years of Abraham Lincoln's life, including his election to the U.S. Congress in 1846; his opposition to the Mexican-American War, articulated in his "Spot" Resolutions; and his support of abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia and opposition to allowing slavery to spread into the territories. The lecture also examines Lincoln's views on religion and discusses religious and cultural tensions and trends during these years, including the Second Great Awakening, the Mormon War, and anti-immigrant and -Catholic sentiments. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography, Part Three: Springfield, the Law, and the Whig Party, 1837-1843."

To view this documentary, scroll to "Multimedia Slideshow," and select "Congress and the Mexican War, 1844-1849."

Lincoln's Biography, Part Three: Springfield, the Law, and the Whig Party, 1837-1843


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, details several years in Abraham Lincoln's life, including his acquisition of a law license, his support of moving Illinois's capital, his continued political campaigning, and his marriage to Mary Todd. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography, Part Two: Indian Fighting and Politics in New Salem, 1831-1836."

To view this documentary, select "Springfield, the Law, and the Whig Party, 1837-1843" under "Multimedia Slideshows."

Lincoln's Biography, Part Two: Indian Fighting and Politics in New Salem, 1831-1836


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, follows Abraham Lincoln's early life, including his family's arrival in Illinois, his first political campaign, his participation in the Black Hawk War, his time as a postmaster and surveyor, his election to the state legislature, and his beginning to study law. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography, Part One: Boyhood and Migration, 1809–1830."

To view this documentary, select "Indian Fighting and Politics in New Salem, 1831-1836" under "Multimedia Slideshows."

Lincoln's Biography: Introduction, Part Two


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, follows Abraham Lincoln's early political career, from established Midwestern lawyer to elected President of the United States. It focuses on the heightening tensions between North and South that served as the background to Lincoln's rise to the Presidency, and ends with the beginning of the Civil War. This lecture continues from the lecture "Lincoln's Biography: Introduction, Part One."

Women's Experience and Gender Roles


This lecture, created by the Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project, examines the role of women in 19th-century Illinois. It looks at the development of the idea of separate gender spheres of influence—work for men and the home for women; the application and adaptation of this idea in the frontier; the developing power of women in pushing for social reform; the status of Native American and African-American women; and the gender perceptions of Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd.

The Second Party System in American Politics


Michael F. Holt of the University of Virginia looks at the development of a second two-party political system in antebellum U.S. and the role the system played in balancing and unifying the nation. Holt also looks at the dissolution of this second system through loss of public faith in the Democratic and Whig parties as they stood and in the development of the Republican and Know Nothing parties in response to new social forces (such as immigration and the rise of Roman Catholicism).

To view this clip, select "The Second Party System in American Politics" under "Political Development Video."